Tuesday, June 12, 2012


For years I have kept a journal with scraps of tatting in it and things I wanted to remember how to do, showing various techniques that I did.
It really does show my journey through learning how to tat.
I have as my on-the-go container of tools a glasses case as you can see in the picture.
There is also a tea ball that works as a great thread-holder.


  1. Love you tatting..Beautiful work. I too am a beginner but I do Needle tatting. I think I do more taking out than tatting its self.. Bg

    Anyway Keep up the great work..Look forward to seeing more of your wonderful tatting. Jenn

  2. So fascinating to peek into your snippet box! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Awesome! I have a tea ball that I don't often use...I see a new job for it.

  4. I've tatted now for many years and still have more to learn. For a beginner, it looks like your doing very well...!! Keep it up...

  5. look nice!!! keep going the thee egg as a treadholder... briljant

    greetings Marco

  6. Is there any chance you can share the bookmark pattern. It's very unusual and quite spectacular with your hand dyed thread. Also, XLNT use for tea ball....

    1. Thank you! I'm loving this thread:) Here's a link to the flower bookmark... http://www.georgiaseitz.com/2011/rachelmohlerflowerbkmk.pdf


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