Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday Message

"Start now to create a plan if you don’t already have one, or update your present plan. Watch for best buys that will fit into your year’s supply. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying, but we do need to be careful in purchasing and rotating the storage that we’re putting away. The instability in the world today makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel and prepare for the future." (L. Tom Perry)

I feel we need to be working on our storage. I know some would say we are doing just fine, no, we don’t need to store or that I am just about food storage. No, it would be so much easier for me not to do this. It is harder the older I get but the older I get the more we rely on our storage. I am more than food storage. I have lots of interests as my blog posts show. Yes, I have had to live frugally all my life. So I know the importance of frugality and having storage.  

I believe the Prophets have warned and encouraged us to do these things for a reason. It is important to heed their counsel no matter what. I have seen that no matter what you think or believe, hard times are for all, not just one or two unlucky people. Nope, everyone is affected by trials. 

Trials can be very hard but can be less severe if we listen and heed their counsel. It is for us they warn, us being all people on the Earth. And we know there are people who cannot store food, they have not the ability but those who can will be able to help those who can’t. We are in hard times.

I feel like I have learned many things from my circumstances that are now a blessing in my life, an education if you will. I might not have learned any other way.

I have been wildly busy this week. My sister made a comment in an email she said, "work on what you can eliminate." Wow, that made me think I can do that very thing it's so basic. I think we all battle being so busy. It creeps into our lives quietly till we feel we can’t catch our breath. Everything is good so what do we cut? Heavenly Father has said not to run faster than we can. It takes real pondering on how to slow down that is why I appreciate her comment - thanks sis!

How are you coming on getting in storage? Just remember it does not all need to be done at one time. Even if you pick up a few extra things, when you are in the store it will add up. It is so easy to do this, it really does add up.

This weekend is our General Conference. I know it is two weeks past when you will read this but I really love it. We always have chili and cinnamon rolls. And I knit on something as knitting helps me concentrate on what is being said. - this has helpful recipes - this is also helpful - has many recipes - food storage recipes - this is my all time favorite. Go to the right side and click for example dehydrated apples. I dry apple slices and the recipe for making apple crisp. This is the recipe I use, fantastic you would never know I used dried apples.

This was my frugal purchase this week. It was 19 cents. I will use it to make a dress for our granddaughter. I will wait for next visit and she can help, I think she would like that.

I was able to get three balls of already sewn together, strips the size of grapefruit balls. They were 79 cents. I will either use for weaving a scarf or coasters, we shall see how it weaves up.

Waiting for a reading day. I like cozy mysteries. We have used book sales at the library and a book exchange where they are no cost.  Also, something I think is neat is the little library houses just like bird houses but bigger and have books for anyone to take or add to. I think they are wonderful and are popping up all over. This would be a great thing to do if you don’t have any in your area. Children’s books are great to have in them and other books too and are built low enough for kids to look in.

Don’t rule out your skill building with that…

This is the towel I have hanging on my stove today. I did not make this one but I know how. A good skill to have to beautify your home.

Keep working at building a frugal life and if you are too busy, then work to eliminate what you can.


  1. We have a lot of food stocked and I struggle with how much is too much. As empty nesters food goes very far and all our family lives out of town so they are not here eating on a regular basis. I pretty much only buy what is a super deal and I still wonder if I have too much. Last week I was able to purchase quarts of real maple syrup for only $5.99 so of course I bought the limit of 4 on that but meanwhile I know that is several years supply for us with what we already had on hand.

    1. we also are empty nesters food goes a lot farther that is for sure maple syrup will stay good for pretty much for ever. I rotate things this is where cooking from scratch cooking pay off I vac seal this extends life a lot and store in basement keeps the food much longer so I dry and can once you have three month continue to a year supply it is good to can foods they have found foods are lasting twentyfive yrs also don't go be dates on cans on all things.

  2. Oh, the Little Free Libraries! We have a ton around my town. Some are registered, some aren't, but they always bring a huge smile to my face. We have three within walking distance of our house- we've been to two (I drop my already read paperbacks off there when I'm done with them), and the third just popped up. We haven't made it there yet, but maybe soon. :) It's so wonderful to see neighbors share what they're reading.

    My son pointed out a small gap in my storage today, and I'll be fixing that up tomorrow after I drop my daughter off at school- the store I need those things from are on that side of town, so that works out well, plus I can visit our Kroger affiliated store and pick up the free Friday download to add to my pantry. I'm always working on keeping up with what I need, and your posts are a great reminder of that as well. :)

    1. I was able when the kids left home I had everything they needed to setup for their apartments

  3. Oh those cinnamon rolls jumped right off the screen at me! I love those things. But I don't make them... hmmmm. A new skill I need to try? I have made them using premade frozen bread dough, and they were delicious. I'm trying to do more "from scratch" cooking since it has turned a little cooler. I will check out some of your links for recipes.

    1. on the blog you can see I make bread mixes I use in bread machine let it do the hard work for me I set it on dough setting and that when they are ready i make into rolls i don't frost

  4. I am on a diet and those rolls about put me over the edge:) I think skills are so important. Not only for self esteem but for doing for others.

    1. i am dieting what i do is i don't frost and i use a lot of walnuts and raisins to serve i top with a pat of butter and mike forty secs in micro this cuts calories we love with chili


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