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Youngest daughter came to visit the week before and learned to can jam! |
"Consider the important (food storage) program which we must never forget nor put in the background. As we become more affluent and our bank accounts enlarge, there comes a feeling of security, and we feel sometimes that we do not need the supply that has been suggested by the Brethren. . . . We must remember that conditions could change and a year’s supply of basic commodities could be very much appreciated by us or others. So we would do well to listen to what we have been told and to follow it explicitly" (Spencer W. Kimball, in Conference Report, Apr. 1976, 170; or Ensign, May 1976, 124).
http://www.foodstoragemoms.com/how-to-make-a-white-sauce/ - this would be good for your binder.
http://www.chef-in-training.com/2013/10/slow-cooker-peach-cobbler/ - good not to heat the oven in this heat
This is a great article - http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865553554/5-tips-for-buying-food-storage-on-a-tight-budget.html?pg=all I have to say though we can no longer use the canneries but you can still get storage through the church. It can be ordered and shipped to you in number ten cans.
Did you know we have a sealer for number ten cans in our church building? You can check out and if you get your own product you can use it to can long term provided you buy the cans, lids and oxygen packets.
But don’t let that be a deterrent. I have very few things stored in those cans because I can foods and I use buckets I got from bakeries and can reuse the jars rings and buckets and lids. The used canning lids I use in vacuum sealing. The main thing is you get moving on your storage.
Also be building skills. I recently was pleased to see Sarah Zollinger in our ward made herself a skirt from one of her dad’s shirts. A fantastic job Sarah!
http://frugallivingonthewatkinsranch.blogspot.com/2015/03/food-storage-on-atight-budget.html - some ideas here, you pick and choose.
When I go to Sam’s Club, which is closer to me than Costco, I can tell you what in the past I have gotten… When you get a great price on boneless chicken breast buy a case and can this in pressure canner. I would get my cheese there, flour, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, rice in large i think 25lb bag, beans in same big bag and popcorn fifty lbs. I also get my yeast there and put it in freezer.
I am on limited funds. Always when I would go I went right there, had a list, and got out of there. Walking up and down the rows makes you get things not on your budgeted list. Mostly these days it is cheese due to tight times.
I go to Ameraherb in Ames. They are a shipping company but they have the best prices ever. I order one day and pick up the next. You must get things in one lb bags, nothing less. A pound of lets say ground cloves fills a quart jar, so you get an idea.
Aldi's is where I like to stock up when I can. I get more for my money there.
Fareway carries the best meat. Watch sales to get a better deal on hamburger. On their sale you buy a ten lb tube. Then armed with freezer bags I cut in twelve equal sections put in freezer bags, take out the air and freeze.
They will run loss leaders, so watch for those. I would have a list but if a really good sale could be found I would change my plans to get the sale. Now I can do that as I have storage going already.
HyVee is the most expensive. I only get my bread bags there.
Walmart - very little I get there but if the prices are good I will. I never get produce there and never meat or bread.
Actually I rarely buy bread. I noticed they bring it in frozen so it is not so fresh. My homemade bread tastes best and is fresh.
I know what you are thinking i cannot run all over to get my groceries. It is not the fun game just a necessary one.
The tighter the times are, the harder I work. It is very important to spend what little we have.
Canning is a boost. When our daughter Sarah was here she wanted to learn to can jam. She was surprised how easy it was, she thought it would be hard.
Here are a list of skills you might want to learn that can help you be frugal:
-learn how to make bread by hand
-learn to can, this can be everything to make salsa or Mrs. Wages package where you add the tomatoes and vinegar, she did the hard stuff.
-learn to can meat
-learn how to make biscuits and muffins. I am making these favorite recipes on cards which hang from a ring
-how to cook with food storage
-how to cook totally from scratch
-how to sew seams
-how to do basic mending
-how to make your own laundry soap
-how to dehydrate food
-how to sew your own clothes
-how to save seed
-how to garden
-how to budget
-how to make an herb garden
Learn, learn, learn - we must always learn!
Make jam, not freezer jam, you can do that later. This is more an introduction to canning.
So I want you to get started. Fill a binder with food storage info and recipes you already have that are using storage.
Pick from my list skills or one of your own.
Work on your storage and skills.
Keep up the good work!
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