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Work on building binders of information on food storage and skills you are learning. |
(James E. Faust, April 1986 General Conference)
“It is . . . necessary that each home and family do what they can to assume the responsibility for their own hour of need. If we do not have the resources to acquire a year’s supply then we can strive to begin with having one month’s supply.”
What did you do this week towards your food storage and provident living?
One thing I read this week while finding good things for you was…one lady canned 24 quarts of tomatoes, saving the peeled skins and dried them and made tomato powder. I thought this was a wonderful idea so passing it along.
I often talk about making your own mixes and saw this spice cake mix, it would be good to have some jars of it on the shelf. http://bakerette.com/spice-cake-baking-mix/
The more I look and read cooking from scratch as being a way to save money comes up time and again. I will tell you that this is the case for us too, that many people saying it there must be something to it.
That said I want to share a couple of real finds for me….
Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/2 c cinnamon
1/4 c ginger
2 tbsp nutmeg
2 tbsp cloves
I put in small canning jar, shake and label
Pumpkin Streusel Muffins
I mix and set aside the topping
1/3 c. flour
3 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp cold butter
In bowl mix...
1/4 c. soft butter
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. brown sugar
2/3 c pumpkin
1/2 c. milk (I add tsp of vinegar to it)
2 eggs
1 tbsp molasses
Mix well
Then I don’t stir again till all dry ingredients are measured in
2 c flour
1 tsp dried orange peel
2 tsp b. powder
1 tsp b soda
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/4 tsp salt
Then stir well and divide between twelve regular muffin cups, I use liners but whatever
By spoon divide topping over all evenly
Bake in a preheated oven 375 degrees for 20-25 min.
This has moved to my favorite muffin spot though I can have them any time of the year. I thought fall makes them even more special.
I know I have had these in here before but sometimes a recipe is worth repeating.
This is a fast favorite too. I mix this and put in seven quart jars and label. Then you just add the wet ingredients which I write on the jar and shake and pour. I actually stir in the jar and then shake but you all have arms that can shake. I then have pancakes ready to go
I have reference binders on food storage in general.
I have a working cookbook binder. This is one I keep by the food storage binder in my kitchen
Also with those two I made a go to binder that I use a lot. It has things like my yogurt recipe, white sauce recipe, favorite flour tortilla recipe, hot cocoa recipe that is my favorite, English muffin bread, my chart on mixing powder milk, how to make bread flour, favorite crouton recipe, my favorite taco seasoning, favorite tapioca pudding recipe, crepes again my favorite, most important my favorite popover recipe and pizza dough recipe beats any you can have out by miles, apple crisp that I make from dried apples, my famously talked about choc cake... you get the idea. Fast grab saves me time looking in my files.
I have a bread binder four inches thick.
Remember I told you if you only have your recipes on computer you need to print off to have a hard copy.
I have tatting binders, sewing binders weaving binders, knitting binders broke down in binders like dishcloth and scrubbies has its own, mitten scarves and hats, gifts socks... you get the idea.
If I need something I go to the binder.
I have a binder with info in that is for our appliances, lawn mower, dishwasher, etc.
I have a working genealogy binder, very thick it even has handles.
I have binders on basket making.
I have binders on machine knitting.
Okay so those are some of mine, what would you have? And all of you better say food storage since we’ve been working at building them together.
The binders I have all came from yard sales or Goodwill or were free so this is not a costly thing for me. Some as you see had those clear pockets, I slid in scrapbooking paper also gotten free. Those of you who have little ones at home put in pictures they color for you that to me would be the best ever.
Also I have two sets of cards on rings one is just breakfast the other is all one pot meals like homemade hamburger helper and SOS recipes.
*tip* When thinking on Christmas make your grown children a binder with all the family favorites, our kids love theirs.
You do not have to do your things in binders or even like me I am just throwing out frugal ideas that work for me.
Are you all preparing for winter?? I write this as hot weather has returned but the weather people are telling us it will be a “Godzilla El-Nino” which could mean a lot of snow. I of course never look forward to shoveling. What do I mean by getting ready for winter?
Here is a good list…http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/winter/beforestorm/supplylists.asp be sure to scroll down to car kit. When the kids were drivers I made one for each of the vehicles. Start filling your car full, when it gets halfway pretend it is empty and fill. There have been many stranded on the interstate and you will need heat which means gas but if you get stuck and have to turn off your car to ration your gas you will have blankets in your car kit. I always leave it in the trunk if i can help it plus it keeps any groceries from rolling out of reach.
Be working on your storage goal. Be actively working on your storage to get in what you can by year's end and let me know what you are working on. Believe it or not I have gotten reports from Minnesota, so keep me posted and keep working on it. Do the best you can.
Things to think on…building your skills...
How to hem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMqK-fNrCrM - see you have a teacher.
How to sew a seam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-jIFZD3mxQ
How to read a pattern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kJx3SiGKtA
This is a very good place to start learning to sew.
So keep in mind you are building skills and storage.
I have been reading your blog for about a month. I have really been adding to my pantry items such as flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder/soda, and salt. I have also added a lot of canned pineapple, peaches, and mandarin oranges. We have lots of eggs coming in right now so Ive been pickling them to save for winter when laying goes down. I am currently working on learning to sew. Thank you for all your help on this blog.
Ginger, well I am glad you like the blog. There are a lot good things in the older ones too. Glad it helps you! :)