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You can get a link to this pattern HERE. |
"The best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program. Five or six cans of wheat in the home are better than a bushel in the welfare granary. ... We can begin with a one week's food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months. I am speaking now of food to cover basic needs." Gordon B. Hinkley, "To Men of the Priesthood," Ensign, Nov. 2002, 5.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/middle-class-venezuelans-liquidate-savings-to-stockpile-food/2016/07/18/65933eb6-4d23-11e6-bf27-405106836f96_story.html I thought I would include this article about this family, middle class who had savings, name brand things, a seemingly comfortable life until something unforeseen happened in their country. Learn from it. If you are working on your storage, good for you. Put yourselves in their shoes...if they had storage they would not have to do this. This is recent and I am sure they never saw this coming. What is it like for the poorer people?
This is a huge event, you may never have to deal with this type but being prepared is what storage is all about.
How are you doing getting your storage in?
What would you do if you had to shelter in place? Would your storage last through any event?
I am sure some would say that would never happen here. They might be right but it could be something different. Keep in mind they probably did not see it coming. Often times we never do…it is all about being prepared.
This week our garbage disposal stopped working. Thinking that would be a costly fix we went online and found how to do it ourselves. It was fixed with a turn of an allen wrench, that was it, costing nothing. Simple blessings. Of course, we would and could have done without but I like this solution better.
How are you doing building your skills??
How are you doing with cooking from scratch? Send me some of your scratch recipes that you found bshook@huxcomm.net
One of my favorites is… in a 9x13 pan bake at 350 degrees for half an hour.
Green Bean Casserole
Brown one lb hamburger, drain (if I have left over taco meat I use that)
2 cans tomato soup
2 cans drained green beans
1 tbsp dried onion
Mix this all together
Then top with mashed potatoes
I like to put cheese on the potatoes, either way is great
bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes or till golden
This is a great food storage recipe as well.
I have been learning to alter patterns as the skill I am working on.
What did you pick to work on? Drop me an e-mail.
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sew+a+little+girls+skirt&qs=PF&cvid=e7df8ac0062f48faba2b32b4f95eaf31&pq=sew+a+little+girls+skirt&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dsew%2ba%2blittle%2bgirls%2bskirt%26form%3dEDGNTC%26qs%3dPF%26cvid%3de7df8ac0062f48faba2b32b4f95eaf31%26pq%3dsew%2520a%2520little%2520girls%2520skirt&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=8D4E89C777DB577E0EF98D4E89C777DB577E0EF9&FORM=WRVORC - skirt for little girl tutorial. I love this gal, you can see that you are in control of how long it is. You can make it cute and modest, you don’t have to settle.
http://craftygeminicreates.com/ - get ideas
http://huppiemama.com/potholder-sewing-tutorial/ - tutorial on sewing potholders
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxRhVDH2AQ0tatting - reading patterns
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmc4eWsX2A0 - tatting rings and chains
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9xFCprGDpA - tatting join
I hope you found some good tutorials here also I hope you are inspired to get in your storage.
Love what you are getting done, keep up the good work and do the best you can.
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