Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Message

"We encourage members worldwide to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings. We ask that you be wise, and do not go to extremes. With careful planning, you can, over time, establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve." (All is Safely Gathered In)

I just want to point out the quote, it says we encourage members worldwide. Worldwide...give that a minute to sink in. People all around the world are working on their storage and skills as well. Which means that people all around the world will be able to be a help in calamities...first responder type. What a wonderful thing. If we all do our part how wonderful it can be. 

During these times of high prices we have fallbacks so that we can wait for prices to improve.

My garden is winding down and fall temps are here. I'm in my mood to fall clean...

I finished the dish towels, they are now off the loom and done.

I now have begun warping the loom to make a scarf.  

My sister sent through her friend the fiber she just knows I will love, so I have sleighed the reed. From here I'll need to string the heddles. Believe me, I am learning skills every step of the way.

How are you coming with your skills? Tell us what skill you have worked on in the comments below!

Tippy Longstocking says sometimes watching someone doing a skill helps us learn.

Missy says sometimes reading how-to books help us learn skills too.

The girls wanted to suggest if you know someone with a skill, ask them if they could teach you that skill. Most people would be very happy to teach you!

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