Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Message

"Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program. We could refer to all the components of personal and family preparedness, not in relation to holocaust or disaster, but in cultivating a life-style that is on a day-to-day basis its own reward." (President Spencer W. Kimball)

I think we will have these high prices for a while so continue put by some food in your storage for hard times.

When our girls were little we played a game called buckle buckle beanstalk. Everyone but one would leave the room. The one left would hide an object we all picked and then they would say warmer or colder till the object was found. The finder would shout buckle buckle beanstalk and then it was their turn to hide it.

I just finished spring cleaning for now. I had reorganized books putting them in new areas but I could not find one book. I hunted and hunted but tonight I can say buckle buckle beanstalk...

Platz is our favorite recipe from their site and in this book the recipe is in this link - 

Keep working on being frugal. Build those skills while you can.

Making the platz will be a great way to build your bread skills.

I am so tired of spring cleaning but it's good to get it done. Gardening time will be here soon enough ugggh.

So if you haven't perfected bread baking, now is the time before you get too busy with the gardening. - these are fantastic, also it's a great place to start. Rolls are great! - of course you know this is our favorite recipe. So many different things can be made from this dough, even pizza. - there are quite a few links for bread goods here.

So keep up the good work. Be a blessing to others along your way as well.

Missy says learn all you can now when you are not under as much stress so that when you are, you will know what to do.

Tippy Longstockings says beef up those skills... they will bless you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Monday Message

"The counsel to have a year’s supply of basic food, clothing, and commodities was given fifty years ago and has been repeated many times since. Every father and mother are the family’s storekeepers. They should store whatever their own family would like to have in the case of an emergency … [and] God will sustain us through our trials." (James E. Faust)

I am still very much spring cleaning and still have more to do. We have had very cold weather so it's a good time to do this.

We do not know what is around the corner. It is better to have stuff in storage in place for those unexpected things around the corner that we don't see coming.

I store basic items like plain macaroni for example.

I store it this way because I can use it in many ways...

Macaroni and cheese or...

Very different ways to fix it and there are many more, I just put a few here. It has longer storage life than hamburger helper and boxed Mac & Cheese and is way cheaper.

I store many varieties of pasta to be used in other recipes.

I have put them in some of our favorite recipes.

The veggie chili recipe originally calls for frozen mixed vegetables but by drying the veggies I can extend their shelf life and use in this recipe.

I store all purpose flour because it can be used in different recipes as well. If I want bread flour, I add one tsp. of vital wheat gluten to a cup of all purpose flour and now I have a cup of bread flour.

By storing all purpose flour, I can make many more items. I also store white wheat that I grind for flour then use vital wheat gluten when I make bread items. So this means I store vital wheat gluten as well.

I store spices as well and can make more things because I do.

I guess I wanted to share my favorite recipes and explain a little more about storing basic items. These items are made from scratch and are all very good recipes. Once you find a scratch recipe you like then you have a road map of what to store. Keep rotating and you will be storing food you like. So keep on building your basic food storage.

How are you coming with building your skills? If you feel you don't need to build more skills, go back to those you have and add another level to that skill.

Missy says she is shocked at the prices of groceries and that the prices will not be coming down soon so learn to make things cheaper.

Tippy Longstockings says find time to rest in a warm spot.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday Message

"I wish to urge again the importance of self-reliance on the part of every individual Church member and family. None of us knows when a catastrophe might strike. Sickness, injury, unemployment may affect any of us. We have a great welfare program with facilities for such things as grain storage in various areas. It is important that we do this. But the best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program. Five or six cans of wheat in the home are better than a bushel in the welfare granary." (President Gordon B. Hinckley)

We need to study more frugal ways and put them to use.  

The Tightwad Gazette, if you can check it out from the library, is just a wealth of frugal ideas.

Making your own bread is so cost saving. It's a skill we all need to be building. Along with that, we need to make sure to store the ingredients to be able to make it. Also need bread pans so look at your thrift stores.

They are still talking higher prices so time to tighten our belts. One way is to use generic products, another is to cook from scratch. - scroll down past that arrow, there is helpful info.

You know how they tell you when you want to organize not to go out and buy all sorts of containers and to just use what you have on hand. Well the same is true with cooking from scratch. You don't have to purchase things to help you learn as we all have the internet and cookbooks from yard sales or library book sales. Also, if your friend fixes something you like, ask for the recipe and start a binder or file of what you like. Or even check out some from the library. I find the older the cookbooks, the more basic ingredients for the recipes. - very interesting, look at the date and I mentioned rising costs on groceries, they just keep going up. But scroll down and you will see some of my favorite frugal cookbooks I got over the years.

One way to help with cooking from scratch is to make your own mixes. - this is one of my favorite sites for making mixes. - I have mentioned this before as one of my favorites. I took a can of soup and did its equivalent. They took the same amount of time to fix but one thing was different, the mix produced a much better tasting soup. - this is a good site, save it. I keep a binder with her recipes so it's easy to grab.

Breaking in here to show what things look like here right now as I'm writing this...

We got a lot of snow with more coming in the next two days. So you in the warm areas right now, can feel a little cooler if you are hot and if not, you can say thank goodness it's not me. But it is nice to have supplies on hand that we can just stay inside. - this I have had ever since it was in that magazine, I love these. - this one is from my blog info on making bread, it is great info to have.

These should get you going and show you that you can cook from scratch and do it fast with your own mixes. We just have to do all we can do to save those dollars right now.

I have been working hard this week doing some deep cleaning and trying to make things easier for me as I have fibromyalgia. So I rearranged my countertop appliances so that I won't have to move anything to plug in to use and I cleared my shelf so that my jars are easier to get to.

It has been a lot of hard work and things take me longer to do than they used too. But it has been very well worth it.

Missy says stay on task of learning skills needed and storing as prices are continuing to go up.

Tippy Longstockings says she can't bear to look at prices but we should keep at it storing the basics which can be made into many things.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Message

"A cardinal principle of the gospel is to prepare for the day of scarcity. Work, industry, frugality are part of the royal order of life." (Bishop Keith B. McMullin)

Preparing for a day of scarcity is what people for generations have done. We would do well to study them to see how they coped with hardships.  

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without!"

These are words to live by for sure.  

Don't be so fast to throw things away. We have a recycle type place near us that people drop off things and they are then set out to let other people take what they need or want. It saves landfills and people can use the items. It's better than going to a thrift store as they don't have to pay. I really like this.

But before you get rid of something, can you fix it up and use it in a different way. Give yourself a few days to mull it over before tossing it. Jars that you had from the store with food in them, for example. You can wash and vacuum seal food back into them like choc chips or pasta, dried fruit and nuts. Doing this I use the canister method, so any jar that fits in the canister will work. - this blog post will show how I use the canister to vacuum seal with different jars. - here I show how I fixed my husband's favorite shoe. So think how you can fix something. Be daring in trying. I had a vacuum sealer stop working. I had nothing to lose so we opened it up and found a little hose had fallen down. We fixed it and still it works. This might not work on everything but it is worth it to try.

But if you still have jars, you can use them to sort out buttons, screws and nails, etc.

Here I used this candy dish for some buttons. So look at what you have and think of a different use.

When you open a can of veggies, don't throw out the can. Punch holes in the bottom and use as a seed starting pot. Save them to use every year.

Don't be so quick to toss things out. 

Missy and Tippy Longstockings say we need to work very hard on our skill building and stocking our pantry as prices are going up. We need to pad the effect of higher prices by being more frugal as well.

I think knowing how to make bread and storing the ingredients are so helpful. Use these recipes even if you do not have a bread machine, just stir it up by hand. Get the recipes HERE.

I watched a news video where people were lined up at a Costco to get eggs. They were getting cases of them and emptying shelves just like with Covid and toilet paper. This morning I heard of thieves stealing tons of eggs. We don't need to be doing this. The people getting cases of them need to know they won't keep forever. They would need to be frozen to keep for any length of time and even that has a limit.  

Yes, you can freeze eggs. Crack them into a container and scramble them, then put them into freezer bags - two per bag - and freeze. Now when you thaw them, do it in the refrigerator. The thing is they will have the most off-putting orange color but will still cook up like normal.

I have some favorite storage items... I like to store pancake mix complete - all you need is water. No eggs or anything. I like to have angel food cake mix - again only water is needed. Jell-O only needs water too. So think of things you get for storage that don't need eggs.

I use the pancake complete mix to make waffles as well. - I did try this and yes, it does a fantastic job. Amazing! - I bet if you look around you will find many things you can make.

So panic buying is not good. Chickens can be grown fast and eggs will be back on the shelf, we have been through this before. It was not the end of the world.

You can even get cheap muffin mixes from Walmart. All you add is half a cup of milk and you have muffins.

So we just need to not let the scarcity monster get a hold of us, it will be okay. Reminds of a winter storm coming. People flock to the stores and get eight gallons of milk and ten loaves of bread...pure nonsense.

Being prepared and having storage makes it so you are not panic buying as well.

Look around your house, I bet you will find things that you already have thought outside the box on. Share those ideas with us. 

Here is one I will share - this is a shower caddy type shelf thing that I repurposed into a cart by my loom for weaving tools..

Missy says reusing things is a great frugal thing to do. This dress was a dogs and was repurposed for this cute photo shoot.

Tippy Longstockings says, seriously, be working on all the things and you will be blessed.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Monday Message

"Being joyful and relying on heavenly help through prayer is a powerful way to be peaceable followers of Christ." Elder Quentin L. Cook

I think Tippy might be trying to tell us something...

With all the things going on all over the world we need to remember to find joy. - We all need kindness and giving kindness brings joy as well.

I was watching a recap of a yarn convention these ladies went to and they told how they came across this package with a tag on saying that it wasn't lost - you can read the tag on the video. It totally made their day it is an easy crochet pattern and would be a great learning project and I was so impressed at what a terrific idea it was. I went to the Facebook page and they have pictures of the ones who found theirs and that it helped them thru a rough time very interesting - I want to make some and do this. It would also be a great way to use up scraps. even just a smile can change the direction of someone's day. - I like the idea of a post-it note stuck on the mirror.

This all reminds me of a thing we did in my young class at church. We made a gingerbread man on cardstock. They decorated them and cut them out. Their job was to do a kindness in their home, like make brother's bed then leave the gingerbread man on the bed. The recipient then looks for a kind thing to do and leaves the gingerbread man there. It is a fun and kind activity. - I like the note for the delivery man idea. Whenever we have something delivered, we always say thank you to them as they head to the van.

It is so important, especially now when things seem unkind, dark, and bleak, to be kind and uplifting.

Funny, I just ran across that it says Random Act of Kindness day is Feb. 17 I did not know that! But we can do this all year long.

Being kind can win the day....

It will lift someone who is feeling blue and that person will be blessed by your kindness. - I have seen the painted rocks before outside the clinic.

Tippy Longstockings says to grab a pen and jot down things that you can do.

As I am writing this, today the doorbell rang and the mailman brought me this box of kindness from Jacki... thank you sooooo much!!

I can tell you it made my day for sure.

I look forward to playing with it all!

So in our days of dark and unkind things, remember to brighten someone's day like Jacki did mine.

Missy says cheer up the sad and bring a smile to those who need one!

Tippy Longstockings says keep doing kind things, they are needed now more than ever.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Message

"Let us be in a position so we are able to not only feed ourselves through the home production and storage, but others as well." (President Ezra Taft Benson)

We need to learn and be able to manage with our skills and storage if any trouble strikes. There are so many who need help already. Be ready so we can help those in need.

Keep working on your storage and keep working on your basic skills.

I have a feeling that we will be in higher prices for a while, so we will need to learn to live with it for the long term. Brush up on your skills and learn new ones - now is the time.

One thing facing us is high-priced eggs and a shortage of them as well. Fortunately chickens grow fast but how long for the bird flu to pass??

So here are some egg substitutes to help...

Starting with my favorite one!

For one egg....

1 tsp unflavored gelatin, add 1/4 c. cold water, stir till dissolved. Then add 2 tbsp and 1 tsp hot water and mix. In the recipe you use, reduce liquid by 1/4 cup. I made oatmeal cookies as a test, one batch normal and one batch with this instead of the egg. I had to label the bottom of the container as I could not tell the difference. So this is for using in recipes.

For 2-3 eggs use:

2 tbsp water or milk

1/2 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp vegetable oil

2 tbsp of flour

Others I have found...

1/4 c. Club soda = one egg

1/4 c. Applesauce = one egg

1/4 c. Mashed banana = one egg

1 tbsp ground flax seed with three tbsp of water = one egg

1 tsp. Baking soda plus 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar = 1 egg

Nut butters...3 tbsp = 1 egg

1/4 c. Buttermilk or yogurt = 1 egg

1 tbsp unflavored gelatin plus 1 tbsp cold water mix and add 2 tbsp boiling water mix till frothy = 1 egg

These are the ones I have found, there are more I am sure. 

Plus there are egg substitutes on the market.

Also you can find recipes that are eggless...

Eggless French Toast

Any sliced bread set out for an hour

2 c. Milk

4 tbsp cornstarch

2 tsp. Vanilla

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

Four to six slices of bread then mix it together, dip bread, make like normal.

So look around for some eggless recipes, try them out and save the recipes you like in a binder. Build that binder of thrifty recipes and shelf-stable recipes and store the ingredients.

For example, my mother-in-law's French dressing we love it so much:

1 c. Veg oil

1 c. Ketchup

1 c. Sugar

1/2 c. Vinegar

1/4 tsp each of:

garlic powder

celery seed


minced dry onion

Mix well and store in a quart jar with lid, shake well, and shake before using.

Lets talk about this recipe - if you are storing the basics you would already have these ingredients in your storage. Yes, you could just purchase dressing however you would pay more for something with unwanted ingredients and it would never taste as good.

So look at your recipes and what ingredients they take, then store those ingredients. Remember my telling you that I always have the ingredients for our favorite chocolate cake on hand? Get that recipe HERE

Do some research on how to buy in bulk and again I have talked how to store things on past blog posts. - she has many helpful things here.

If you do not already have a binder started for meal planning, this is a great place to start. - these people share in this video how they go about meal planning, very helpful.

Remember, your skill building...

In this picture are mittens I am making from yarn I had. So doing mittens for free is a good skill to have. These are knitted but there are many mitten patterns for crochet and even sewing.

Brrr it is cold here where I live! That is why I am making mittens. But for you who are not cold, perhaps it is time to start seedlings and planting your gardens.

I do think we should try to grow some things even in pots if you have no room for a garden.

How are you coming with your bread making skills?? Check out THIS POST for recipes!

Remember, if you don't have a bread machine, no worries! Use the amounts and knead by hand or a machine. I have done it all ways and it's perfect every time.

Let us know what skills you are working on in the comment section below.

Missy says think outside the box on how to build storage and skills.

Tippy Longstockings says she can't bare to look at the high prices knowing they keep going up so find frugal ways to do things.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday Message

"Start now to create a plan if you don’t already have one, or update your present plan. Watch for best buys that will fit into your year’s supply. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying, but we do need to be careful in purchasing and rotating the storage that we’re putting away. The instability in the world today makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel and prepare for the future." (L. Tom Perry)

As we all have seen groceries have not come down and are most likely going to go up. We should be prepared for that. How do we do this you ask? Well, you can shop the sales. You can look what you need to beef up and add a few extra to your groceries. You can plan for your most frugal of meals and use the remainder of your grocery money to stock. You can forgo eating out and use the money to stock. You can buy cheaper brands. You can make from scratch foods. If you have mad money, use it to get food.

I bet if you put your thinking caps on you can come up with more ideas.

Share any others you can think of here! - I shared this before but worth repeating.

Store the basics.

Flour - very important, you can store wheat berries but make sure you have a grinder. My favorite is white wheat berries.


Oil and shortening

Yeast - keep this in the freezer. I have all but one quart jar in the freezer, that quart jar I keep in the refrigerator as my using jar.



Corn starch

Baking soda

Baking powder

Brown sugar

Powdered sugar


Vital wheat gluten

Pasta in all forms

Canned meats

Canned veggies

Canned fruit

Powdered milk, non-instant if you can

Dried fruit


Dry beans

Rice white as brown goes rancid quickly

Dried potatoes mashed potato flakes, dried dices and slices



Jams and jellies


Bouillon cubes or powders

Dried onions

Dried garlic

Herbs and spices you use

Cocoa powder




Worcestershire sauce

Soy sauce


Peanut butter

Angel food cake mix that you only need to add water to

Pancake mix complete you only need water

Unflavored gelatin so you can make it go for an egg in baked goods

Vanilla and other flavorings like almond flavoring, etc.

Canned mushrooms


This list can go on and on but should give you ideas.

Also, don't just store food, get toilet paper and pads and meds, cleaning supplies, soaps, laundry soap, toiletries, tooth brushes, and paste you keep these lists going.

So a lot of things are wrapped up in getting in a storage.

Being frugal means we plan and prepare for when things will be harder. We need to take care of our families and ourselves and others too.

In a few days, we will have a polar vortex so make sure you have a car kit packed and stay warm.

Those who are in warmer weather right now, you might be working on a garden. - this is helpful.

We need to be building our skills too...

Being able to make bread and baked items is what I think is one of the most important skills.

Sewing is another very important one, even if only to mend, but being able to recycle clothes as seen here is a great skill being able to make clothes and curtains - it all is a very important skill.

Being able to put up our own foods saves money, especially if you get used jars. I might put in a plug here that if you are in winter, put a couple canning lids on your grocery list every time till canning season, you will not have to buy them all at once. Spreads the expense out.

These are just a few ideas. Never stop learning not ever.

Missy says being prepared as much as you can will help you when you need it.

Tippy Longstockings says when the world seems upside down you will be able to manage.

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