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These are the best dishcloths ever! Once you use one it will be a favorite. Click HERE for the pattern. |
"Now you ask where do I get the money for these things. I agree I need them, but I'm having a hard time making ends meet. Here is how you do it: Use one or more of the following suggestions: Food Storage Christmas: Use 25-50% of money for food storage, New Clothes: Don't buy instead make it last a few more months, use that money for food storage, Vacation/ Holiday: no vacation or holiday until food storage is complete, Recreation: Cut by 50% use money for food storage, find fun, free things to make lasting memories, Snowmobiles/campers/boats: sell or trade to get a year's supply, Change Diet: eat cheaper foods and use extra money for food storage.
"The Lord will make it possible, if we make a firm commitment, for every LDS family to have a year's supply of food reserves ... All we have to do is to decide, commit to do it, and then keep the commitment. Miracles will take place: the way will be opened and we will have our storage areas filled.
"I believe it is time, and perhaps with some urgency, to review the counsel we have received dealing with our personal and family preparedness. ... With events in the world today, it must be considered with all seriousness. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying but the instability in the world today makes it imperative that we heed this counsel and prepare for the future." L. Tom Perry, Nov. 1995.
Being frugal in as many ways as you can will free money for your storage. I love the saying…"Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." You think about those who proceeded us, were they any less busy?? No. Today we might feel we are too busy but they had to do so much more. No modern appliances, no indoor plumbing. They had to make all their own clothes and even had to make the materials to make the fabric first. And as someone trying to learn to weave, I am amazed that anyone ever learned it. What's more, is that they passed it down to the next generation.
As I struggle to learn this I wanted to point out that this was a 1920’s kit. The woman who owned this added four more harnesses. The bench she had made out of her kid’s outgrown crib. Now that says so much about her thrift.
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2014/09/progress-on-loom.html This loom is a rug loom made in Davenport, Iowa. It has a number stamped in it that shows where it has been. It went to the veterans' home then to someone in Boone and then they lost track of it till I got it at Goodwill. Now it shows I have it so it is again being tracked.
If you looked at the copied version of the “owner’s manual” it is so confusing. It was new in a crate and it tells you how to unpack the crate and how to put it together but I feel that the directions were passed down as it is wild to understand. I can only tell you what a blessing the internet has been to my learning. No one had passed the skill down to me so it is a real learning experience.
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2015/11/monday-message_16.html I learned to make baskets at Relief Society when my kiddies were little. The spinning I learned just shortly after this wheel I got as a kit. Sarah was in kindergarten and Laura was in 2nd grade. I had five minutes of instruction from a friend as we were about to move back to Iowa. The rest I learned has been on my own. The wheel I use now is fancier. It was a gift from my sister as was the loom first mentioned. I must have gotten it as I taught a man and his wife how and now they have an Alpaca farm in Maxwell, Iowa, with spinning, processing, and looms. I am proud of them.
My roots are in Norway so it all must be in my blood.
One of my favorite stories are about a woman whose husband was away serving a mission. She was tending her farm and their children. Money was very tight so when Sisters came to collect donations for the Nauvoo Temple she felt bad she had no money. She happened by the temple and saw the workers working in the cold with no mittens. This weighed heavy on her mind and one day they came across two dead buffalo. Her and the children pulled the fur from the buffalo. She washed it and at night when the kids were in bed, she spun that fur into yarn by candlelight and knit mittens for the men working on the temple. I have always loved this story. See, no matter how hard our times are with skills you can make do a lot easier than without skills.
There are so many stories and if you think about it you have a story to tell too.
I am not saying you all have to do these things, it is what I am learning but oh there is so much more. Our life’s experience is priceless. Think back when you first were on your own or newly married… now look where you are now. Incredible, right? What you know now could you have learned any other way?
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2014/12/lizas-wheat-bread.html - learn from others
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2012/04/canning-chicken-drying-mushrooms.html - learn to can, it is huge to be able to do that and to dehydrate. It all stretches the budget.
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2015/05/monday-message_25.html - canning, gardening, sewing, dehydrating and vacuum sealing, it all adds to stretching our budgets.
knitting, crocheting helps make needed ideas
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2013/09/monday-message_9.html - cooking from scratch is huge in savings
Learn ways to make do….
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2013/11/homemade-christmas-gifts-for-grandkids.html - sewing and crocheting here show how they can be useful to make gifts
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2014/10/loom-catch-all.html be inventive, if you need something figure out a way to make it.
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2012/06/easy-striped-dishcloth.html Knowing how to knit is so helpful these are the best dishcloths ever. Once you use one it will be a favorite.
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2015/09/monday-message_28.html cinnamon rolls from scratch, nothing else like it!
Think about what you use often and can it -http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2012/09/pizza-sauce.html
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2012/04/four-in-one-bread-dough.html - once you get used to making bread, find different recipes
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2013/08/monday-message-on-tuesday.html making pasta is pennies to make
http://frugalmeasures.blogspot.com/2012/02/homemade-bread-crackers.html making crackers is easy to do, same with breadsticks.
when you get produce in bulk can for later
I think you can find areas to help with your budget, just look around. If you are too busy, find ways to to cut the busy out. We have covered lists of skills that you can choose from. Pick the one that would help your family the most. Cooking from scratch is in the top, mending is in that group too.
Keep working on the storage. Pray about it, pray for help and be flexible with set backs. We will end up waiting to purchase the powdered milk as a bill unexpected came up... we will be patient and it will happen. Keep working on it. I could tell many stories how having storage had helped us or how learned skills have gotten us a bit further down the road.
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