Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Message

If ever there was a time to take food storage serious NOW is the time.

“The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah.” (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1973)

I have decided to issue you a challenge to work extra hard on your storage. Let's see how much you can do by the end of the year... From those who have very little money to those who have a lot of money. Make a plan, draw up a plan. Those with more money, this will be a bit easier. Those with less money, you will need to be more creative. Those with more money your job is to collect your storage.

Use all options... - here you can order the church items. We no longer travel to Omaha as canneries are closed. This is great for when I can get dry milk.

Buy in bulk at Sam’s - flour, rice, beans, yeast, popcorn, sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar. I am wanting you to stick to basics, don’t be fooled that everything there is a good deal. I get cheese there and in the past when chicken boneless skinless breasts were on sale I would buy cases and can it. I also get siran wrap there.

Bulk buy your whole wheat berries, not the flour, you want the wheat berries. This you can get at Walmart and if you need more than is on the shelf ask Walmart to get what you are wanting.

Aldi’s is the big winner on canned goods. Stock up for things you don’t can like pineapple, mushrooms, apple sauce, your pie fillings, their salsa is great to stock up on.  

Fareway I get sale items and meat.

Dollar Tree I get liquid dish soap, shampoos, toothpaste, deodorant, garbage bags, freezer bags, some first aid things etc.

Watch your sales like a hawk. I am sorry I throw Hy-Vee off the list due to being too expensive but I do buy my bread bags from them. If money is no problem than this is another option for you.

I even check the flyers to see what is on sale when I don't plan on shopping. The sale ads are online if they don’t come to you in a midweek mailer. If there is a loss leader that is something you use now would be the stock up time.

I have heard all the time "I don’t have time to go to more than one store" or "it is too much work." It is a lot of work and hauling it is a lot of work and cooking from scratch is a lot of work but you need to push yourself. Your family is depending on you following the warnings of many Prophets. If you think going to the church is your plan then why is it we have been warned to store???????  Because if a world wide calamity would hit, the church can only feed two or three percent and remember you have been warned to have gotten in your storage. The church has helped with this by canneries in the past and with this ordering site. Why would they do this if they were not trying to help you?  

You have been asked to grow what you can. You have been asked to learn the skills that would help your family in time of need. This is not something that goes out of date. They did not say "well, we can stop on this certain year" - no, we are still encouraged to do this!

Food storage is not an out of date thing or old fashioned, that is not true. If ever there was a time to take this serious NOW is the time.

I can hear you shaking your head and thinking oh that Sister Shook, she likes food storage, it is her thing. Guess you don’t know me very well. I love to read and knit and be a grammy, but I know that this is a very important thing you should not shrug off… I can think of thousands of things I would rather do than plant a garden and fight skeeters and process the food or drag home heavy food storage to put in containers to lug to the basement and rotate it, to lug it up and start all over again. 

Yes, a life of ease sounds easier but we live on our storage and all our struggles in our life have prepared me for now. What a blessing. I think if you had a hard time you can appreciate it and be compelled to get your storage up. If you have not then take my word for it, get your storage up. Build on your skills.

"Too often we bask in comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine and earthquake cannot happen here. Those who believe this are either not acquainted with the revelations of the Lord or they do not believe them.  Those who smugly think these calamities will not happen, that they will somehow be set aside because of the righteousness of the Saints, are deceived and will rue the day they harbored such a delusion.  The Lord has warned and forewarned us against a day of great tribulation and given us counsel, through His Servants, on how we can be prepared for these difficult times.  Have you (we) heeded His counsel?" Ezra Taft Benson, Jun. 1980.

"'And there shall arise after them seven years of famine ... And God will shortly bring it to pass.' Now brethren, I want to make it very clear that I am not prophesying, that I am not predicting years of famine in the future. But, I am suggesting that the time has come to get our houses in order ... avoid debt to the extent possible. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from bondage... There is a portent of stormy weather ahead to which we had better give head. We are carrying a message of self reliance throughout the Church... I urge you brethren to look to the condition of our finances..." Gordon B. Hinkley, October Conference 1998.

"The time will come when we will be obliged to depend upon our own resources; for the time is not far distant when the curtain will be dropped between us and the United States. When the time comes, brethren and sisters, you will wish you had commenced sooner to make your own clothing. I tell you, God requires us to go into home manufacture; and, prolong it as much as you like, you have got to do it." Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 5, p. 10, July 5, 1857.

"A spirit of speculation and extravagance will take possession of the Saints [in the last days], and the results will be financial bondage. Persecution comes next and all true Latter-day Saints will be tested to the limit." Heber C. Kimball, Deseret News, May 23, 1931.

"The Lord has warned and forewarned us against a day of great tribulation and given us counsel, through His Servants, on how we can be prepared for these difficult times. Have we heeded His counsel?" (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, November 1980)

"When the economies of nations fail, when famine and other disasters prevent people from buying food in stores, the Saints must be prepared to handle these emergencies." (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 264.)

“Noah heeded God’s command to build an ark...that they might be saved from the floodwaters…Yet there was no evidence of rain and flood…His actions were considered irrational…The sun was shining and life moved forward as usual. But time ran out…The floods came, the disobedient were drowned… When God speaks and we obey, we will always be right” T.S. Monson Ensign 10-07

"For over 100 years we have been admonished to store up grain. ‘Remember the counsel that is given,’ said Elder Orson Hyde, ‘Store up all your grain, and take care of it!... And I tell you it is almost as necessary to have bread to sustain the body as it is to have food for the spirit.’ (Ezra Taft Benson, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 5, p. 17)

..."We encourage you to grow all the food that you feasibly can on your own property. Berry bushes, grapevines, fruit trees—plant them if your climate is right for their growth. Grow vegetables and eat them from your own yards. Even those residing in apartments or condominiums can generally grow a little food in pots and planters. Study the best methods of providing your own foods. Make your garden neat and attractive as well as productive. If there are children in your home, involve them in the process with assigned responsibilities...Develop your skills in your home preservation and storage. We reaffirm the previous counsel the Church has always given, to acquire and maintain a year’s supply—a year’s supply of the basic commodities for us. We encourage families to have on hand this year’s supply; and we say it over and over and over and repeat over and over the scripture of the Lord where He says, ‘Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?’ How empty it is as they put their spirituality, so-called, into action and call him by his important names, but fail to do the things which he says. Spencer W. Kimball (April Conference, 1976)

If these quotes don’t give you serious thought...

Make a list of every store you go into and why. After a week look at this list, analyze this list. Did you need to go to the store? Was what you went for the only thing you got? Track your spending. How could you improve?

If you are on a tighter budget you have no choice but to be creative. How can we stock? I already mentioned some stores, there are others you may live closer too, like Costco.

So how can you be creative? As you have a set budget for groceries, in your budget keep to that amount, now plan less expensive meals and plan to cook from scratch and see what a difference it makes. The difference can now go into food storage. I mentioned a place to start but if it seems overwhelming then work on your three month supply first and again I suggest -  this method is sound too. I have this printed and in my food storage notebook.

I want you to be seriously getting in your storage. It is more important than the current fad, more important than finding shoes that can go with an outfit cause just pick a pair that goes with everything for now, more important than boats and new cars and such, once you have it in and still want those things, go for it, but keep that storage up.
I know i have lost many of you by now but ask yourself why am i waiting just do it while your at it can you mend or sew a dress why not????? do you go to goodwill or yard sales for school clothes? why not?

I WANT you to watch these YouTube clips of Wendy's seminar. I painfully got them in order just so you can see them in order. Food storage with chocolate in it? Whaaaaat? Yep! :)

Ok, remember I want to have you make serious strides in getting in your storage by the end of the year... If you are saying yes but I have mine in than Hurray! But now start stocking for your kids, food storage is a wonderful gift to give or to get.

After watching the clips of Wendy it will give you more to add to your yard sale list.

Also for those of you in Ankeny, the Goodwill in your town there was a dehydrator sighting and not at all a bad price, make sure you plug it in, check for an on/off switch if it does not already start.

Keep working on both storage and skills and report to me your progress!

Friday, July 24, 2015

The great bread experiment

I wanted to see if I could make THIS BREAD RECIPE that works so fantastic in the bread machine and try it out in my Bosch mixer. Thus began the great bread experiment. The whole reason behind the experiment was to see if it took the same amount of time and if there was a difference in taste or texture.

I measured all the ingredients four times in the Bosch and one time in the bread machine. I didn't add extra flour to the mixer, both were exact measurements. When it came time to mixing, I mixed the dough in the Bosch the same amount of time as it mixed in the bread machine.

The dough is slightly sticky but don't be tempted to add flour. I shaped the loaves in the bread pans and let them raise for twenty minutes.

As you can tell in the picture below each loaf looks exactly the same. I can't even remember which one was made in the bread machine.

But do they look the same in texture?

As you can see the texture is identical and let me tell you the taste is exactly the same.

 Overall, the experiment was a success! So to save energy and dollars doing more than one loaf I can now make four loaves with the Bosch. Also, as a side note, this bread freezes great! I just slice it before putting in a bag in the freezer. Give the recipe a try!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday Message

Youngest daughter came to visit the week before and learned to can jam!

"Consider the important (food storage) program which we must never forget nor put in the background. As we become more affluent and our bank accounts enlarge, there comes a feeling of security, and we feel sometimes that we do not need the supply that has been suggested by the Brethren. . . . We must remember that conditions could change and a year’s supply of basic commodities could be very much appreciated by us or others. So we would do well to listen to what we have been told and to follow it explicitly" (Spencer W. Kimball, in Conference Report, Apr. 1976, 170; or Ensign, May 1976, 124). - this would be good for your binder. - good not to heat the oven in this heat

This is a great article -  I have to say though we can no longer use the canneries but you can still get storage through the church. It can be ordered and shipped to you in number ten cans.

Did you know we have a sealer for number ten cans in our church building? You can check out and if you get your own product you can use it to can long term provided you buy the cans, lids and oxygen packets.

But don’t let that be a deterrent. I have very few things stored in those cans because I can foods and I use buckets I got from bakeries and can reuse the jars rings and buckets and lids. The used canning lids I use in vacuum sealing. The main thing is you get moving on your storage.

Also be building skills. I recently was pleased to see Sarah Zollinger in our ward made herself a skirt from one of her dad’s shirts. A fantastic job Sarah! - some ideas here, you pick and choose.

When I go to Sam’s Club, which is closer to me than Costco, I can tell you what in the past I have gotten… When you get a great price on boneless chicken breast buy a case and can this in pressure canner. I would get my cheese there, flour, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, rice in large i think 25lb bag, beans in same big bag and popcorn fifty lbs. I also get my yeast there and put it in freezer.

I am on limited funds. Always when I would go I went right there, had a list, and got out of there. Walking up and down the rows makes you get things not on your budgeted list. Mostly these days it is cheese due to tight times.

I go to Ameraherb in Ames. They are a shipping company but they have the best prices ever. I order one day and pick up the next. You must get things in one lb bags, nothing less. A pound of lets say ground cloves fills a quart jar, so you get an idea.

Aldi's is where I like to stock up when I can. I get more for my money there.

Fareway carries the best meat. Watch sales to get a better deal on hamburger. On their sale you buy a ten lb tube. Then armed with freezer bags I cut in twelve equal sections put in freezer bags, take out the air and freeze.

They will run loss leaders, so watch for those. I would have a list but if a really good sale could be found I would change my plans to get the sale. Now I can do that as I have storage going already.

HyVee is the most expensive. I only get my bread bags there.

Walmart - very little I get there but if the prices are good I will. I never get produce there and never meat or bread.

Actually I rarely buy bread. I noticed they bring it in frozen so it is not so fresh. My homemade bread tastes best and is fresh.

I know what you are thinking i cannot run all over to get my groceries. It is not the fun game just a necessary one.

The tighter the times are, the harder I work. It is very important to spend what little we have.

Canning is a boost. When our daughter Sarah was here she wanted to learn to can jam. She was surprised how easy it was, she thought it would be hard.

Here are a list of skills you might want to learn that can help you be frugal:

-learn how to make bread by hand

-learn to can, this can be everything to make salsa or Mrs. Wages package where you add the tomatoes and vinegar, she did the hard stuff.

-learn to can meat

-learn how to make biscuits and muffins. I am making these favorite recipes on cards which hang from a ring

-how to cook with food storage

-how to cook totally from scratch

-how to sew seams

-how to do basic mending

-how to make your own laundry soap

-how to dehydrate food

-how to sew your own clothes

-how to save seed

-how to garden

-how to budget

-how to make an herb garden

Learn, learn, learn - we must always learn!

Make jam, not freezer jam, you can do that later. This is more an introduction to canning.

So I want you to get started. Fill a binder with food storage info and recipes you already have that are using storage.

Pick from my list skills or one of your own.

Work on your storage and skills.

Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bathroom sink re-do

Our new sink started its life out as an old dresser. Before we brought it into the bathroom the dresser was a foot wider and a shade of white covered with stickers. We replaced our old sink and installed one that was given to us by a friend almost two years ago. My husband cut the dresser down and we both painted it a dark brown. The drawers don't open like drawers usually do. The two top ones don't open and the bottom ones open like a cupboard door. I absolutely love it and think it looks great in the bathroom!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Message

Use up your old, dried bread and make croutons! Scroll down for the yummy recipe!

President J. Reuben Clark (Church News, 1953) –
“When we really get into hard times, where food is scarce or there is none at all, and so with clothing and shelter, money may be no good for there may be nothing to buy, and you cannot eat money, you cannot get enough of it together to burn to keep warm, and you cannot wear it.  You can’t eat money, but you can eat your three-month supply of food – IF YOU HAVE IT AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT." 

When you have your three months please keep going to your year's supply and keep in mind we have lived on our's for three years now so you can see we would have had more hardship if I had just quit at three months. So I say start with three months then when that is done keep going.

This is the same recipe I made when our girls were growing up

Did you know that you can easily make your own brown sugar? Yes you can if molasses is part of your storage. I know someone who never buys brown sugar at all -

You can also make powdered sugar

So if you think you can’t make your own, look it up, you will be happy you did. Lots of things we think we cannot live without. I think you will be surprised at what you can do without if you needed to. Knowing how is valuable, so keep those food storage binders going. Keep adding to them, research and see what you can find.

Make your own pasta -

No pasta machine? No problem...

If you can think of things there probably is a way to make it yourself. she has these biscuits worked out to be ten cents a biscuit. Yum & easy to do, can’t beat that! - make this for your biscuits above.

You can even make your own baking mix read reviews the one on the center  bottom talks of adding cream of tarter 

Make your own stuffing

Make your own croutons. You can use your old bread. I am telling you that you can’t buy better!

Did you say you were in the mood for eating in to save some dollars? This is my favorite recipe…


Brown one lb of hamburger, drain, then add one can of chicken broth. Cook till there is no longer broth then serve on buns. This is so like eating out!

Make your own hamburger helper. It's cheaper and more healthy for you. I can tell you the longer you keep the box type the saltier it becomes and basically you probably have the stuff to make these recipes, if not you need to. 

You need to bookmark this one or, better yet, print it off for your binder..This is my favorite and it is not easy to find this site

SOS mix from Utah State this is also something I keep on hand and is a great soup replacement should get you there, otherwise google SOS mix Utah State. It is a pdf and also valuable and should be in your binder as well.

Make your own crackers price check these are easy to make

Gluten free graham crackers

Gummy bears - 
you don’t have to make bears just cut in squares

So I have given you lots to think about. I hope before you spend, think to yourself, can I do this myself?? Usually the answer is yes and for less.

I ran across this recipe this week and with summer here it's a good thing to know - this is a recipe for sunscreen

So now you are armed with all this info. Stretch those dollars. Don’t give in and get the ones that cost more when you can do this.

I get it... you are busy, but how long does it take to get all kids ready and in car to store and contained and potties and melt downs then back into the car and home and after all that you have to fix the meal……yep, been there but also living frugal. So push on, you can do it!

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Build your storage while living on it by canning produce from your garden. This time I was helping my daughter learn to can veggies and make jam - an excellent addition to her food storage!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday Message

Heart in a slice of bread!!! Scroll down in the Monday Message for great info on dough enhancers.

“Today, I emphasize a most basic principle: home production and storage. Have you ever paused to realize what would happen to your community or nation if transportation were paralyzed or if we had a war or depression? How would you and your neighbors obtain food? How long would the corner grocery store—or supermarket—sustain the needs of the community?” (President Ezra Taft Benson)

We have discussed this in the past few messages. - Drying herbs are easier than you think. You can tie in little bundles and hang upside down till dry and then just mush up with your hands and store in jars.

I came across some great information on dough enhancers on an email food storage list I am on. I think it it is something that you should print and put in your food storage binder under breads:

Dough Enhancer's: And How To Use Them There are many reasons you would want to use a dough enhancer. Dough enhances can improve the texture, taste and crust of the bread. Most of them also act as preservatives which helps keep your bread fresher long. Best of all they are natural and so are perfectly safe to add to your bread.I am also going to bet that you add dough enhancers to your bread already and didn't even know it. Everything other than flour, water and yeast is a dough enhancer in some fashion or another. For example sugar or any sweetener acts as a food for yeast thereby giving the yeast more energy and that in turns gives you a better rise n and lighter loaf of bread. Now if you use honey for your sweetener you are also getting a natural preservative that will help keep the bread fresher a little longer.If you recipe calls for eggs, here again we have a dough enhancer. First the egg is a leavening agent that gives you a lighter loaf of bread and the lecithin rich yolk also helps improve the breads texture, moisture level and it is also a mild preservative.So, you see you have been using dough enhancers all along. These information contained in this document is here to help you understand the different ingredients and what they do to your dough, how the help preserve it and how to combine them to get the best effect.

Dough Enhancers
Helps keep bread fresher longer & works with the gluten to make a lighter bread. It also helps make the bread moister and acts as a mild preservative. Made from soy or egg yolks. Comes in liquid or granular form.
Use: 1 Tablespoon per cup of flour
Non - Diastatic Malt
Super food source for the yeast which give the bread better structure & makes the bread softer & tender. Made from dried sprouted barley and is not the same as malted milk powder. Comes in liquid or granular form.
Use: 1/4 teaspoon per cup of flour
Ascorbic Acid
Creates an acidic environment for the yeast which helps it work better. It also acts as a preservative & deters mold and bacterial growth. If you can't find pure ascorbic acid crystals you can use Fruit Fresh (canning isle) or a crushed/powdered vitamin C tablet.
Use: 1/8 teaspoon per loaf
Dry Acid Whey
 It is the essence of buttermilk with out the milk solids. Like with Ascorbic Acid it helps create a good environment for the yeast work quickly and vigorously, giving a maximum rise in short periods of time. Acts as a preservative & deters mold and bacterial growth. When buying Dry Acid Whey make sure it says "acid" on the package. If it doesn't assume it is sweet whey which isn't the same and won't work correctly.
 Use: 1 teaspoon per cup of flour
Vital Wheat Gluten
Vital wheat gluten occurs naturally in all wheat and wheat derived white flours. Some white flours have more or less than others. Vital wheat gluten only does one thing, it helps improve the rise and texture of bread. With out it you have a rock, door stop, paper weight. Generally, if you are using white bread flour you don't need to add any. However, all-purpose or whole grain flours need Vital Wheat Gluten.
1 Tablespoon per cup of flour
Pectin adds moistness to the bread and it replaces fat in the bread. This is the same pectin used to make jams and jellies. It comes in liquid and granular form. The granules are easier to work with and store. 
Use: 1 teaspoon per loaf
Ginger is a yeast booster it gives it a "quick-start", and keeps it working. Because of its astringent properties it also helps keep the bread fresher longer and it deters mold and bacterial growth. It is best to used powdered ginger in your bread. You don't have to worry you won't taste it in the amount used.
Use: 1/4 teaspoon per loaf
Dry Milk

Milk helps with crust browning, bread moisture, taste and nutritional value. It also helps the dough to relax for those times you want to roll it out or shape it. Dry milk or powdered milk work the same.
Use: 1 Tablespoon per cup of flour
Gelatin helps with bread texture and moisture. It is also of nutritional value and is good for the hair and fingernails. Make sure to use unflavored gelatin.
Use: 1 teaspoon per loaf 
Fats. Fats help with taste, texture and the moisture of the bread. Most French bread recipes don't contain fat as it takes away the chewiness of the bread. You don't need to be worried about the fat content of most bread. Most recipes use a tablespoon or two and that is for the whole loaf. A single slice is very low in fat.
1 Tablespoon per cup of flour 
Eggs add rise, color, texture and taste to bread. Also, if you use the yolk as well you get some of the effects like using lecithin.
Use: 1 large egg replaces about 1/4 cup of liquid in the recipe. 
Buttermilk helps the yeast work quickly and vigorously, giving maximum rise in the time frame allotted by bread machines. It also softens the texture of the bread. Like with any acid type addition it also helps keep the bread fresher longer and it deters mold and bacterial growth. You may need to add 1/2 to 1 tsp. of baking soda to the bread to offset the tartness of the buttermilk. I personally, like the tartness as it reminds me of sourdough. 
Use: 1/2 Cup replaces the same amount of other liquid in the recipe. 
Garlic is a flavoring in larger amounts, but in smaller amounts it helps the yeast, it make the dough easier to roll out and it is a preservative & deters mold and bacterial growth.
Use: 1 teaspoon per loaf, will affect flavor 
Cake Flour
Cake flour makes for a softer more tender bread. It also makes a goo d addition to pizza dough as it helps make rolling out the dough easier.
Use: Replace up to 1/4 of the flour called for in the recipe (no more). 
Making Your Own Dough Enhancer
Bread Fresh Dough Enhancer
1 cup vital wheat gluten
1 cup potato starch or 1 cup potato flakes
1 package jelly pectin powder
1 cup lecithin granuals
2 tablespoons vitamin C tablets - powdered
1 tablespoon ginger powder
1 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup diastatic malt powder
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
Combine all ingredients in a blender container or food processor. Process for 30 seconds. Remove enhancer to a glass or plastic container with a tight fitting lid you can get a teaspoon in to. To use add 1 tsp. of the enhancer per 1 cup of flour called for in the recipe. No other adjustments are needed.
Per recipe (excluding unknown items): 1608 Calories; 34g Fat (18.6% calories from fat); 44g Protein; 293g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 124mg Cholesterol; 743mg Sodium.  
Exchanges: 11 Grain(Starch); 4 Non-Fat Milk; 7 Fat; 5 Other Carbs.
NOTES: For the Vitamin C tablets. Buy a bottle at your local drug store. Then process in a blender or food processor until powdered.----------------------------------------------------------Super Bread Fresh Dough Enhancer
1 cup Vital Wheat Gluten
1 cup Potato Flakes
1 package Pectin Powder
1 cup Lecithin granules 
2 tablespoons Ascorbic Acid Powder
1 tablespoon Ginger Powder
1 cup Powdered Milk
1/2 cup Non Diastatic Malt Powder
1 envelope Unflavored Gelatin
1 cup Acid Whey
1 cup Tofu Powder
1/4 cup Corn Starch
1 cup Instant Yeast
MIXING: Combine all ingredients in a blender container or food processor. Process for 30 seconds. Store the dough enhancer in the freezer in a tight lidded container (glass is best).
USING: Use 1 tablespoon per cup of flour called for in the recipe. No other adjustments are needed.
Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 57 Calories; 1g Fat (17.1% calories from fat); 4g Protein; 8g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 4mg Cholesterol; 32mg Sodium.  
Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Non-Fat Milk; 0 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.
Use Vital Wheat Gluten and not Gluten Flour. Gluten Flour is a mixture of Vital Wheat Gluten and Bread Flour. Vit al Wheat Gluten helps form a better dough that is better able to trap the gas given off by the yeast. This enables more of the gas to be trapped which means the loaf will be taller and have a text structure and texture.
Potato Flakes (Instant mashed potatoes) help the bread stay moist longer which helps keep it from staling. It also helps makes a more tender bread with a better structure and taste.
Pectin Powder (the same you use for making jelly) helps keep the bread fresher longer, it helps with dough structure and bread texture.
Lecithin is found is soy foods and in egg yolks. It helps with bread moisture, texture, flavor, crust browning and is a mild natural preservative.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) helps boost the yeast which helps it do a better job in rising the bread. It is also a mild natural preservative. If you can find ascorbic acid powder by a bottle of natural vitamin C tablets and powder them in the blender. Do this before you add the rest of the ingredients you need the tablets to be completely ground up.
Ginger Powder is a very good natural preservative as it is also antiseptic which helps it retard mold formation. It is also a mild yeast booster. Don't worry you won't taste the ginger in your bread.
Powdered milk helps with the taste, texture and the crust brownness of your bread.
NON-DIASTATIC MALT POWDENon-Diastatic Malt is used in NY Bagel recipes and is what gives it that special taste. Used here it is a yeast booster and food. Yeast will feed off of this before any other sweetener they just love it.
Gelatin helps with keeping the bread fresher longer. It helps make a moister loaf of bread which in turns means it takes longer for it to dry out and go stale. Knox is the most popular brand of unflavored gelatin.
Acid whey is the by product of making many types of dairy products. Make sure you get acid whey and not sweet whey. If it doesn't say acid whey then assume it is sweet whey. The acid whey is a yeast booster and a mild preservative. It also helps in dough and bread structure and texture. This product can be hard to find. 
Tofu Powder aka Soy Drink Mix, Soy Milk Powder, Soy Protein Powder, etc. should be easy to find at almost any health food store. If you go for the Soy Protein Powder make sure it is unflavored. Tofu Powder helps with structure and the texture of the bread. It also helps in the browning of the crust and overall taste of the bread.
Corn Starch helps with structure, texture and moisture retention.
This just adds an extra little boost to the bread dough.                       


This month is now when people start making Christmas gifts it is also when it is time to put up food from the garden. It is a good time to think on skills. - here is a good place to start for simple gifts. - make your own fudgesicles, yum! On those hot days don’t go get expensive ones, do them ahead and have on hand - a great family night treat too!

Take time to be with your family.
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