Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday Message

(Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2001)
“As we have been continuously counseled for more than 60 years, let us have some food set aside that would sustain us for a time in case of need. But let us not panic nor go to extremes. Let us be prudent in every respect.” 

There are so many things one needs to learn on living providently, things you don’t learn in school. I have learned that it is easier to learn skills before you need that skill and that when things are going good is the best time to learn and practice that skill.

When we were first married I could make cookies if we had the ingredients or hot dogs or mac and cheese (the box type). I could bake banana bread - again, if we had ingredients. But even though I took cooking classes in junior high school it was not practical things we learned. Mac and cheese and hot dogs were five for a dollar.

It took time to build up just the staples when we first got married that is why for my girls I wanted them to have the staples right from the start and gathered and gave them those.

Growing up we had cereal. I had no example on fixing food except mac and cheese or spaghetti box mixes.

We need to teach our kids. We do not do them a service by not teaching them.

I went to the laundromat the first time after getting married. A friend just happened to be there and she helped me know what to do. At home the only part I was allowed to do was fold and put them away so I had no idea.

So when I mention that it is better to learn and get food before you need them I'm speaking with experience. - she is a wonderful example, living providently doesn’t have to be cardboard furniture. - this is a good explanation of living providently. - this is my favorite site for food storage info. I was reminded that when you bake quick bread, like banana bread, in a canning jar and you take it hot out of the oven when it's done, wipe the rim and then put on a sterilized lid and ring. As it cools it seals, but to be shelf stable you should not ever do eggs in it. If you scroll down on her site to eggs you will see using unflavored gelatin you can sub for the eggs then it will be shelf stable. I used wide mouth pint jars or wide mouth pint and a half jars. If it rises above the rim just slice that part off, wipe the rim and put on the lid and ring carefully not to get burned. That extra slice will disappear easily... yum yum! :p  To use the canned bread I turn it over and give it a whack and it falls out. I tip it on the side and slice. You get nice round slices, so pretty and so yummy! We have had them a year out from canning and it's still great! - you might enjoy reading this.

Chilly temps are here and that calls for something warm to drink! I make a hot cocoa mix recipe I got from my friend Liza.

Hot cocoa
3 c. powdered milk
1 ½ c. cocoa powder
1 c. powdered sugar
2 c. Walmart cheap brand of coffee creamer powdered
-Mix & adjust to your taste with less or more cocoa powdered or powdered sugar

Liza also does different versions...

Gingerbread cocoa mix
Use one fourth of this recipe
add to it…
2 tbsp cinnamon
2 tbsp ginger
¼ tsp cloves
She likes to float little gingerbread men on top.

Peppermint hot cocoa mix
Use one fourth of hot cocoa mix
Crush 3 candy canes and mix up in mix

Marshmallow hot cocoa
To one fourth mix add mini marshmallows and mix up
To serve in your cup add a fourth cup mix and pour in the boiling water
Mix and enjoy.

We love her recipe and I am sure you will too!

This week I have been vacuum sealing walnuts and also raisins. I have kept walnuts a very long time, a year or more, and have not had them go bad. We just use them by that time but if you try without vacuum sealing they go rancid and when you freeze they take on freezer taste…

I try to get them ahead at Sam’s Club but I cannot always have funds. When I can I vacuum seal them to help them last longer. 

I do this is to stretch our meager income and it really helps.

I have also been working on Christmas gifts and learning as I go.

I also was able to squeeze in some spinning this week almost ready to ply.

Mother Nature sent us an early gift…a reminder winter is on the way.

Keep working on your storage and skills.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Message

“We encourage you to follow this counsel with the assurance that a people prepared through obedience to the commandments of God need not fear” (First Presidency letter, 24 June 1988).

Well it just seems the earth is in commotion. Things keep happening faster and faster.

Are you as ready as you can be? It is true one cannot be ready for everything but you can offset the pain by doing something. Doing nothing will be the opposite results.

There have been so many devastating things coming so quick but we need to think. Fuel will probably go up as refineries have closed for storms. Food prices are going to go up because crops have been destroyed. Even here in Iowa we have had so much rain farmers are having a hard time harvesting.

I do think there are rough patches ahead from everything that is going on. That is why we need to keep to the task of preparing.

For me. I store basic items that I can make things from scratch out of. - here is helpful info on food storage. - this has very helpful steps to take.

Try to store foods you can use to make a variety of things from.

Look through your recipes to find out what those ingredients are.

Again, I want to remind you that you need to keep physical copies of your recipes. - here are some things about scratch cooking. Dig into the site. They have make your own chicken nuggets and making your own bread crumbs. 

There are so many little frugal things one can do. Yes, it may only save a small amount but when you do many frugal things it adds up saving on the budget. When your income suffers knowing you can do things for little just knowing how helps so much so keep learning.  

Cooking from scratch is a very important skill to develop as we have to fix food every day.

We should also be on the lookout for equipment we will need, to this end I look at thrift stores and yard sales for items that will help me to cook from scratch and to help me store items.

At the same time I’m learning and trying new things to build my skills. this has her list of long term food storage. Canning your produce is frugal but looking for good sales is just as good….the main thing is that you put in some storage. - frugal ideas, I really like the soup tip before payday.  

I know lots are talking about homesteading but you don’t have to homestead to build your storage.

Remember to think bigger than just food you need. Good first aid storage, toilet paper, and feminine items. Just keep in mind items you use like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, dish soap, laundry soap or things to make it. You get the idea.

I store liquid dish soap as well as dishwasher soap because I use both for different things. Just use your common sense. Do as you can, don’t be freaked out and spend more than you have and don’t do nothing. Just pick up something extra when you go to stores...that would be less painful. she shows you how to use these recipes to save money.

Do the best you can to live frugally to build your storage and to build your skills and be a blessing to others.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday Message

"Start now to create a plan if you don’t already have one, or update your present plan. Watch for best buys that will fit into your year’s supply. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying, but we do need to be careful in purchasing and rotating the storage that we’re putting away. The instability in the world today makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel and prepare for the future." (L. Tom Perry)

I feel we need to be working on our storage. I know some would say we are doing just fine, no, we don’t need to store or that I am just about food storage. No, it would be so much easier for me not to do this. It is harder the older I get but the older I get the more we rely on our storage. I am more than food storage. I have lots of interests as my blog posts show. Yes, I have had to live frugally all my life. So I know the importance of frugality and having storage.  

I believe the Prophets have warned and encouraged us to do these things for a reason. It is important to heed their counsel no matter what. I have seen that no matter what you think or believe, hard times are for all, not just one or two unlucky people. Nope, everyone is affected by trials. 

Trials can be very hard but can be less severe if we listen and heed their counsel. It is for us they warn, us being all people on the Earth. And we know there are people who cannot store food, they have not the ability but those who can will be able to help those who can’t. We are in hard times.

I feel like I have learned many things from my circumstances that are now a blessing in my life, an education if you will. I might not have learned any other way.

I have been wildly busy this week. My sister made a comment in an email she said, "work on what you can eliminate." Wow, that made me think I can do that very thing it's so basic. I think we all battle being so busy. It creeps into our lives quietly till we feel we can’t catch our breath. Everything is good so what do we cut? Heavenly Father has said not to run faster than we can. It takes real pondering on how to slow down that is why I appreciate her comment - thanks sis!

How are you coming on getting in storage? Just remember it does not all need to be done at one time. Even if you pick up a few extra things, when you are in the store it will add up. It is so easy to do this, it really does add up.

This weekend is our General Conference. I know it is two weeks past when you will read this but I really love it. We always have chili and cinnamon rolls. And I knit on something as knitting helps me concentrate on what is being said. - this has helpful recipes - this is also helpful - has many recipes - food storage recipes - this is my all time favorite. Go to the right side and click for example dehydrated apples. I dry apple slices and the recipe for making apple crisp. This is the recipe I use, fantastic you would never know I used dried apples.

This was my frugal purchase this week. It was 19 cents. I will use it to make a dress for our granddaughter. I will wait for next visit and she can help, I think she would like that.

I was able to get three balls of already sewn together, strips the size of grapefruit balls. They were 79 cents. I will either use for weaving a scarf or coasters, we shall see how it weaves up.

Waiting for a reading day. I like cozy mysteries. We have used book sales at the library and a book exchange where they are no cost.  Also, something I think is neat is the little library houses just like bird houses but bigger and have books for anyone to take or add to. I think they are wonderful and are popping up all over. This would be a great thing to do if you don’t have any in your area. Children’s books are great to have in them and other books too and are built low enough for kids to look in.

Don’t rule out your skill building with that…

This is the towel I have hanging on my stove today. I did not make this one but I know how. A good skill to have to beautify your home.

Keep working at building a frugal life and if you are too busy, then work to eliminate what you can.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday Message

"Our bishops storehouses are not intended to stock enough commodities to care for all the members of the Church. Storehouses are only established to care for the poor and the needy. For this reason, members of the Church have been instructed to personally store a year’s supply of food, clothing, and, where possible, fuel. By following this counsel, most members will be prepared and able to care for themselves and their family members, and be able to share with others as may be needed." (President Ezra Taft Benson)

Fall has arrived.

I always feel like I am in a hurry to button up things for winter. I do lots of organizing before the snow flies…

I have organized a working basket for tatting.

I thought hard on how to have a portable way with my tatting as I have it so organized I did not want to mess that up. So I took a zipper pouch I had and thought hard on what to put in it. With that done, I repeated it again with knitting notions…

We shall see if this works. It hasn’t in the past very well but I  tweaked it differently this time.

I also added trays to my shelves. I had these trays from a yard sale long  ago I got them for a dollar for twelve.

I think these gave a cozy look. I feel the squirrel effect I call it, to get house buttoned up and food in.

Lana shared in the comments this recipe… - thank you, Lana! This is just the right time of year for this.

I also put these jars together on the butcher block after seeing something similar that inspired me. I already had the jars so there was no extra cost.

I am not a coffee drinker, never have been, but I thought this little coffee pot was cute to use in decorating. I got it at our reuse place, it has all the inner parts still in it. Thought it would look cute on this shelf.!&qft=+filterui%3auserpage-everydayfoodstorage&view=detail&mid=C08403CA3A26C56B9E4FC08403CA3A26C56B9E4F&&FORM=VRDGAR - how to make creamy oatmeal from food storage since you saw my oatmeal jar up above.!&qft=+filterui%3auserpage-everydayfoodstorage&view=detail&mid=7D5CC712BEEBC7568CAB7D5CC712BEEBC7568CAB&&FORM=VRDGAR - how to fix one pot spaghetti.

I store pasta in five gallon buckets and put two bay leaves on top then put the lid on and then date and label it. I will tell you pasta stored this way lasts for many years.

I will add a reminder here... NEVER place buckets or other food directly on the concrete floor. I recommend placing wood between the buckets and the floor.!&qft=+filterui%3auserpage-everydayfoodstorage&view=detail&mid=9EB835468792AEB5E9719EB835468792AEB5E971&rvsmid=7D5CC712BEEBC7568CAB7D5CC712BEEBC7568CAB&FORM=VDQVAP - with the hurricane tragedies of late this may be a good place to start.

We got our flu shots this last week so I want you to work on your sick plans, like cans of chicken soup, fluids, cough drops, crackers and easy meals especially some casseroles made up in the freezer. Even your own chicken soup would be more desirable than canned soup from the store. But make your plan and work it as the sickness time of year will soon be here.

Watch your store flyers. Be frugal about stocking up on storage and supplies. Work on your skill building. Do the best you can.   

Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday Message

"I wish to urge again the importance of self-reliance on the part of every individual Church member and family. None of us knows when a catastrophe might strike. Sickness, injury, unemployment may affect any of us. We have a great welfare program with facilities for such things as grain storage in various areas. It is important that we do this. But the best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program. Five or six cans of wheat in the home are better than a bushel in the welfare granary." (President Gordon B. Hinckley)

I think we all have seen things that can happen that are catastrophic. Things we never thought would be but here they are.  We need to work a bit harder at our storage and supplies. If you go out to eat, go one less time and use that money to stock up. Every little bit helps us if we are willing to do the work.

Remember, sacrifice now so you will be in a better place later with your storage.

Money is tight, I know. It will just get tighter so learn now to live on less. That is a huge skill, perhaps the hugest skill of all. It isn’t anybody’s favorite skill to learn but it is the most important.  

Temptations are tossed in front of you continually. You will need to keep the big picture always in mind. Our families are relying on us to learn these skills. It isn’t always easy to go the harder path but we really need to.

I am still knitting dishcloths. This is a work in progress pic. Making do is not at all a bother if you love using these cloths.

We also need to be the example for our children and others because things will only get harder. How do I know it will get harder? Well I am 62 and have only seen in all those years things get higher in prices, catastrophes seem to come in faster… I don’t expect things will reverse if they haven’t in that amount of time. I also have stories from my grandmother that show this as well.

Does it take time? Yes, it does but as I mentioned earlier if I had not taken the time to clean and dry jars and lids then load and vacuum seal my jars of dry products, water could have gotten in and that would have been bad. Was it convenient for me to do this or to dehydrate or can? Usually not, hence the sacrifice for better later.

Sometimes it is very hard work! We have to be willing to work hard. Life is hard work. I have fibromyalgia and I have to break up my tasks. For example, clean my jars and lids. Then after drying I let them air dry till the next day and then load and continue.

There are times I cannot break the task up, then I push on till the end. I have to cry from hurting so much, but we have to be willing to work hard.

We need to use what things are available. I happened to run across a bolt full of lining type fabric. Did I need it right now? No, it would have been easier to leave it but the price was $1.99 for the whole bolt. So I pushed myself a little harder to carry it to the car and etc. Will I use it down the road? Yes, it could be a dress or blouses…so keep looking for supplies and things you can use .

Also, always be willing to help others as we can. Again, there is always no shortage of need. Will someone manage without the help? Yes, but it may be way harder for them and isn’t it a better world when we help each other? I am a huge poached egg person. I also love mug recipes but knowing how to poach an egg the old fashioned way is good too. - okay, this is fantastic. She has lists and recipes so check it out and just scroll down it. When she talks about the pretzel bites it is a third a cup of soda in the water not what she has listed.

I have my homemade mixes in my using jars with some of the spices I use. I have smaller jars I use as well but I want flavor in things.

Keep spices in mind while gathering storage.

These were the peppers I showed before. I tied their little stems with an overhand knot and hung them to dry, and they are doing nicely. When they're dry I will crunch them into pepper flakes. - this has the correct recipe with cheese sauce, yum! - just pulling some favorite things - okay, this is a really neat idea and great for a gift.

Report on one of my skill-building skills…

I finished the first rug. The red I am putting in now just spaces between each rug so there will be a fringe. I will not see this rug for a while because as I make them they roll onto the roller down by Missy’s head then when I am ready I will cut them off one by one and tie the fringe to finish the rugs.

Keep working hard at building your storage, being frugal, learning your skills and helping others.
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