"As we do our very best, we can be confident that ‘the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail.’ We shall enjoy greater wisdom, security, peace of mind, and personal well-being. We shall be prepared, and because we are prepared, we 'shall not fear.'" (Bishop Keith B. McMullin)
Soon it will be time to put in a garden, that would be after May 15th here in Iowa.
I am hoping that this year's garden won't have a derecho drop branches on it, though that tree is no longer there along with a lot of others.
We still have cold weather yet. I can remember some huge storms at the end of April. But we can take comfort that the snow we get now will not last long.
I am still working on a sweater. I had a problem with it so it was put in time-out for a few days while I decided what action to take as the hairs in the yarn wrap around and make it hard to unknit.
So on this day I decided to cut the twelve rows back to before the mistake. I got another needle and picked up the row twelve rows back. This yarn snags up and snarls really bad and made it hard to stay on the same row so that meant stitch holders and a lot of back and forth.
In all, it took three hours to get it all set right. I have knitted two of those rows back in the last pic.
Note to self - never ever use this yarn again. I never could have done it without the skills I have learned. And now back on track.
https://www.google.com/search?q=basic+knitting+stitches&rlz=1C1ZKTG_enUS908US908&oq=basic+knitting&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0j69i65l3j69i60l2.9389j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_IiZNYNWWNtC0tAaYqLPgAw20 - this will show you some basic knitting.
https://www.simple-knitting.com/yarn-labels.html - this will explain how to read the yarn label and what it means.
https://commonsensehome.com/start-a-garden/ - this will help you get started with your garden.
I am making sheep a pattern I bought from - https://littlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk/
I have their heads made and have just cast on to do their bodies. I think knitting their clothes will be fun. I have made a rabbit a few years back. My goal is to make a basket and put them in with several changes of clothes. I want to do the elephant at some point so when friends can visit again with their Littles it would be fun for them to play with. That is the goal. It is also teaching me more skills.
I am sure the mouse is taking their orders for clothing.
Over the years I have gotten patterns from her. Hers are cuter but I am using what I have on hand and really enjoy her patterns. I love that cute cotton rabbit in her topper that is what started it long ago.
I also love to embroider and ran across this gal…http://www.elefantz.com/ - if you scroll down she has a free pattern, I just love her work too.
These are a few of the things from my week. What are you all doing? Leave a comment below.
I did get a small pick-up order from the grocery store and am noticing prices are ticking upwards so a reminder to pick up a little here and there to beef up your storage.
Gus says to remember to keep building your skills!