Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Message

"The greatest events that have been spoken of by all the Holy Prophets will come along so naturally as the consequences of certain causes, that unless our eyes are enlightened by the Spirit of God, and the spirit of revelation rests upon us, we will fail to see that these are the events predicted by the Holy Prophets." George Q. Cannon, Nov. 2, 1879, JD 21:266-67.

"We do not know when the calamities and troubles of the last days will fall upon any of us as individuals or upon bodies of the Saints. ... We can rest assured that if we have done all in our power to prepare for whatever lies ahead, He will then help us with whatever else we need. ... We do not say that all of the Saints will be spared and saved from the coming day of desolation. But we do say there is no promise of safety and no promise of security except for those who love the Lord and who are seeking to do all that he commands." Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign May 1979, p. 93.

"I stand before the Church this day and raise the warning voice. ... It is a voice calling upon the Lord's people to prepare for the troubles and desolations which are about to be poured out upon the world without measure.  For the moment we live in a day of peace and prosperity but it shall not ever be thus.  Great trials lie ahead. All of the sorrows and perils of the past are but a foretaste of what is yet to be. And we must prepare ourselves temporally and spiritually." Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign May 1979, pp. 92-93.

“Noah heeded God’s command to build an ark...that they might be saved from the floodwaters…Yet there was no evidence of rain and flood…His actions were considered irrational…The sun was shining and life moved forward as usual. But time ran out…The floods came, the disobedient were drowned… When God speaks and we obey, we will always be right” T.S.Monson Ensign 10-07

SEPTEMBER is preparedness month so I am checking on how you are doing, are you prepared? My test is can you go six months without grocery shopping? If you can, wonderful! Keep working to double that. If your answer is no, you have a large family to feed, I say exactly! YOU have a family to feed, all the more reason to get on it.

I recently commented on a food storage list that we just the two of us go through 25lbs of flour a month. Several people were taken back, how could that be???  If you are living on your storage then you make bread, rolls, cinnamon rolls, hamburger buns, homemade noodles and mixes, croutons, stuffing, cookies and cake, brunch cake, pancakes and waffles, popovers, puff pancakes, tortillas…… Think about what your family really eats in a month whether or not you've made it. I will tell you flour usually is involved right down to gravy…just think about it. Are you prepared??

If something happened October 1st like a pink slip, trucker’s strike (been through those), how about flooding, how about electrical outage? What would you do? How will you eat without a way to cook it? We had a bad winter storm and the power went out mid morning, it was out only five hours but we had ice everywhere even to go out to walk to a neighbor was treacherous. Five hours was a very long time. Granted, we have been blessed to only have a taste of what could be much worse... one minute you are fine, the next you are not.

So are you prepared?? If you could not get groceries starting tomorrow, what will your family be eating in six months?? What would you tell your family who will be looking to you to have stored?

I know we live in hard times, wherever do we get the food storage? With what do we get  it? Now you ask, "where do I get the money for these things? I agree, I need them, but I'm having a hard time making ends meet." Here is how you do it: Use one or more of the following suggestions: Food Storage Christmas: Use 25-50% of money for food storage, New Clothes: Don't buy instead make it last a few more months, use that money for food storage, Vacation/ Holiday: no vacation or holiday until food storage is complete, Recreation: Cut by 50% use money for food storage, find fun, free things to make lasting memories, Snowmobiles/campers/boats: sell or trade to get a year's supply, Change Diet: eat cheaper foods and use extra money for food storage.  

"The Lord will make it possible, if we make a firm commitment, for every LDS family to have a year's supply of food reserves ... All we have to do is to decide, commit to do it, and then keep the commitment.  Miracles will take place: the way will be opened and we will have our storage areas filled.
"I believe it is time, and perhaps with some urgency, to review the counsel we have received dealing with our personal and family preparedness. ... With events in the world today, it must be considered with all seriousness. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying but the instability in the world today makes it imperative that we heed this  counsel and prepare for the future." L. Tom Perry, Nov. 1995. 

This site has wonderful lists and great food storage recipes great storage info, one of my favorites

Often I am asked what I use dried apples for and I have used my apples that I dry in these recipes with much success.  I find them more versatile than other ways. great to make your own yogurt, it's very frugal.

I invite you to research on what storage recipes you might like. Just get busy and work on the food storage challenge to be actively working on your stocking up on your storage. Remember, it is not just food. Remember your first aid needs, your hygiene needs, your clothing needs... you get the idea. Get cracking. Build your storage, build your skills. Learn to cook to from scratch and learn to be content. If you are always miserable because of what you don’t have you will be miserable. When times are tough roll up your sleeves and work together.

Keep up the good work! Remember President Hinckley said, “do the best you can”... If this month your budget won’t let you get storage then work on a skill and learn how to stretch it and learn to use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.

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