"Those families will be fortunate who, in the last days, have an adequate supply of food because of their foresight and ability to produce their own." (Ezra Taft Benson)
https://iowasue.blogspot.com/2018/08/in-kitchenfood-storage-containers.html - here are some ideas on storage containers. Look around on their site - great recipes!
https://www.npr.org/2018/08/15/638881705/2018-revealed-just-how-ill-prepared-we-are-for-climate-change - I was in the car listening to this on the radio and it really made me think, how exactly do we prepare for this? Does this mean more flooding next year, more tornadoes? My heart goes out to those who are being affected with all that is going on now.
When I was working on our flooded basement I did some preventative measures but is anything ever enough to really tend it permanently?
This is why it is so important to stand ready to help others. I know we really appreciated all the help we got.
How are you coming with your skills? I know Christmas is looming large and I have felt the need to kick it in high to get going on gifts…to that end, I saw this and thought of you wanting to work on your sewing skills - http://www.modabakeshop.com/2016/10/scrap-bag-pincushions.html. I thought that this might a good skill builder project and a gift to give as well.
How are you coming on building your food storage binder? It is not just enough to get your storage in, you have to know how to use it! Here again I will stick in my reminder that having things on the computer is nice but having hard copies is wise, just take time to print them off and add to your binder.
http://www.honeybeepantry.com/topics/view/51cbfc93f702fc2ba812df76/ - she has wonderful information on her site for food storage.
http://www.honeybeepantry.com/topics/view/51cbfc92f702fc2ba812dda6/ - here she talks about getting storage.
We have been so busy for so long getting my husband's art exhibit ready for show. Now that it is up I find myself wore out… do you have a worn out plan? Do you have meals that you can fix that will be easy if you are worn out so you won’t be tempted to spend the money you can be using for bills or storage items? I am so worn out I don’t even want to eat but I always have on hand some easy fix meals. I put chili in the crockpot and by supper I will be happy for having done so. But I am serious about having a plan for when you are worn out or sick.
It really is a nice show.
http://www.honeybeepantry.com/topics/view/590905ea0cf2204d222dcd6f/ - here she shows how to have menus for your storage. Each of us will store differently so these are just to be an example to you. Make them to fit your family’s likes. I can tell you salmon is not an item I have as I hate it, you get the idea.
In my storage you will find dried apples and canned mushrooms…so it is very individualized.
Being able to make what you want is key…
The Clear Lake Art Center is where the show is at in Iowa and they put us up in a bed and breakfast while we were hanging the art. It was called the Large Pine Inn, a wonderful place. Well one part of breakfast was cinnamon swirl bread made into French toast, it all was wonderful.
I mention this because it was wonderful and to say that having things stored to make our own is kind of great, so think about your storage and is it kind of great? Try to make it so.
No matter what comes at us, we will push on doing storage. It kind of takes some of the sting out of the trial.
Do the best you can.