"Start now to create a plan if you don’t already have one, or update your present plan. Watch for best buys that will fit into your year’s supply. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying, but we do need to be careful in purchasing and rotating the storage that we’re putting away. The instability in the world today makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel and prepare for the future." (L. Tom Perry)
Here in Iowa some corn is very short and tasseled. Already some fields are better than others. This is like our lives, there are some years that aren't as good as others so in good years our ancestors put up food for the lean years.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VFHXFDUVMY - their weather has been flooding, then the heat was really bad.
This is the last day of this awful heat wave, hopefully... It has been a rugged go of it. We had warning of it going to happen so I prepared so that I would not have to cook using the oven which would add heat to what was already way hot, a heat index of 111 degrees. That is really hot. So it is in some small way like storing food for a time of need. The only difference was we knew what was coming.
We don't always know what is coming...
We sometimes knew when things slowed down for a company my husband worked for but more times than not we didn't see it coming. We were blessed to have a storage in.
I have been thinking about thinking outside of the box. It helps if we can think how to use things in a different way.
Such as....
In this picture you see what was probably a fruit holder. I got it for two dollars now it is a yarn holder. In front you see a blue strainer, it is heavy and would work well for a yarn bowl, it was 99 cents. Holding the blue yarn is what was once a paper towel holder, I picked it up for just 35 cents. So with little money and thinking outside the box all these things were made for other purposes.
Just like this cow held a tea light, now it will also be a yarn bowl.
My daughter gave me this cute llama ruler...
I got this locker white board magnetic board combination to hold patterns while I knit or crochet.
These crates I used for a mini book shelf.
I got a music stand at a thrift store just for the purpose of holding my bobbin lace pillow which I made out of a piece of wood, sawdust, and a child's dress that I got at a thrift store. The sawdust was ours from wood working.
You notice that wooden box at the back in the last picture it was once a sewing machine drawer.
These are pictures of metal tubs that I have re-purposed into holding supplies for my weaving:
The apple basket is also holding wearing tools.
I know this is kind of picture heavy but I re-purpose a lot of things and I wanted to give you ideas. Look around your house and see if you have something unwanted that could be used in a different way. Keep working on your storage learn new skills that would help your family and remember look for ways to be frugal.
Look for ways to be kind and give service.
This is his thinking outside the box he decided my basket of reading materials could be used as a bed.