"You do not need to go into debt, may I add, to obtain a year’s supply. Plan to build up your food supply just as you would a savings account. Save a little for storage each pay-check." (President Ezra Taft Benson)
Definitely don't go into debt.
I have mentioned many times when you get your groceries, pick up something extra like a jar of peanut butter or a bag of flour or even a box of Jell-o. Over time this will add up and before you know it...you won't HAVE to go to the grocery. When you are tired you will be able to open the cupboard to fix supper and go the next day.
Remember to use, replace, and add. Use means rotate, using the oldest first. For example, if you use a can of green beans, write on your list a can of green beans and then add a pick up item to add to your storage like a bag of rice or beans, whatever you pick.
There will come into your life times when you will not be able to add to your storage and you will need to use it to get through a rough time...that is after all why we do this. And when things improve, start again to build.
So make a list of what you eat. What ingredients go into making them?
http://igetready.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/EVERYTHING-UNDER-THE-SUN.pdf - I have this printed out and in my food storage binder.
If you are just starting this is the place to do it. She has great ideas and measures it all down to a teaspoon of salt, it is amazing. She has great recipes as well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOLuIApyNPc - here she is giving a seminar on food storage.
I would encourage you to watch all her YouTube videos. It would be the best on food storage you will find.
Here are two pie making tools I got long before the pandemic happened at my thrift store. The red tool I almost went on by, as I have a pizza cutter that looks similar but I picked it up and noticed it was different and since it was very cheap I picked it up. I quite like how it does the edge of the pie while cutting off the excess crust.
The other you can see in the picture, you roll on the dough then slightly pull on the dough as I show here.
Think about what gadgets you have, pull them out and play with them. Also, can you use them for other things?
We were able to get our vaccine shot. It was painless. I was still waiting for the shot when she was putting on the bandaid - amazing! I always feel the flu shot and of course the needle looked so long on TV but it really was great.
Even though getting vaccinated we must still take safety measures.
We have been getting winter storm after winter storm. I am thinking that groundhog is getting no blanket this year!
We must all continue to be safe and do what we are told are safe practices is what Gus and Missy have to say... P.S. they are glad they aren't that groundhog.