Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Message

"The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah." (President Ezra Taft Benson)

It is very important to have storage ahead especially with so many disasters happening around the world which we have no control of. Hurricanes here in my country have caused so much devastation and loss of life. Those who had shared what they had with others set great examples for us all.  

I feel like things happen so fast, one thing isn't done before another catastrophe happens. Because of this, I feel it is even more important to keep your storage up - for yourself and others.

I like to keep the basics in my storage so I can make any recipe like bread, rolls, English muffin bread, hamburger buns, cake, and cookies just as an example. Food is often what we think of first but also clothing, sanitary needs, first aid kits, and household needs.

As we have been discussing the great importance of skills...

These will be inspiring to you.

What are you working on for skills? Leave a comment below!

I am trying to learn more on weaving as one of my skills. This is overshot that I am working on in this picture. It will be a scarf.

I cut the last of the rhubarb so now only a few more butternut squash just before it freezes and then I am done gardening. While in the garden I found this huge cucumber who was hiding. I plan to use his seeds to dry for next year but thought he needed to say hi to all of you. - Mary Ann sent this recipe. I have ingredients on hand and will make with the rhubarb before freezing the rest. Thank you for sharing! - I saw this neat idea this week. Yum! I say and ready for Halloween. - Next on our list and coming fast. headache salve sounds good since I got bonked by a tree branch we were taking down. - love this gal. - on here lots of people tell frugal ideas for Christmas.

Take time for yourself as you start in on a busy time of year - this is the best of all idea as we just keep pushing through but we are important as well.

Missy says fill your basket with joy and happiness.

Tippy Longstockings says with all that is going on please take a break for yourself.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Message

"We can begin ever so modestly. We can begin with a one week’s food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months. I am speaking now of food to cover basic needs. . .I fear that so many feel that a long-term food supply is so far beyond their reach that they make no effort at all. . .Begin in a small way, … and gradually build toward a reasonable objective." (President Gordon B. Hinckley)

I have been noticing today busy little squirrels burying walnuts while they are preparing for winter so we should be busy getting ready for winter too.

Make sure you have stuff on hand for illness as you won't feel like going to the store when you or your family is sick. - in this post I have some sick plan ideas.

What outside things do you need to tend before winter or summer (depending where you live)? If you are heading into spring, is your gardening plans at the ready? I hate to think that soon I will be shoveling a walkway. We have fall right now but it is hot at the time I am writing this. We'll go from 84 degrees tomorrow to 64 the day after. I am ready for fall like temperatures, fall is my favorite time of year. - in this post you will find my all time favorite pumpkin streusel muffins. I love them! They say fall but I like them all year long!

I feel like my week has been filled with getting the loom warped for the next project. The picture with the black and white strip of paper is the back of the loom. I am threading the heddles, I made that strip of paper so it is easier to see. I move a clip as I do a heddle.

Missy wanted to jump in here to remind you to be learning those very important skills like crocheting, so you can have a warm cover up when it is cold.

Tippy Longstockings wanted to also jump in but she wanted you to see her fine coat with the black stripe down her back... She says, do you have your coats ready to unpack for when your season gets cold? - this has very good information on putting in your storage. - per Missy's suggestion, here is how to crochet a granny square which is what she was sitting on.

I have a friend who would learn one skill till she was good at it then pick another. This is a great way to build those skills.

If you think, why should I do this? Think how much do you spend on gifts? A lot of our skills can be used to share with others. - here are a lot of free hat patterns for you to make for when you get cold weather. - here are some very basic sewing gifts to make, I think they are great.

Missy knows one of the best ways to learn is from a book!

Tippy Longstockings says if all else fails, look cute!

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