Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Message

"As we have been continuously counseled for more than 60 years, let us have some food set aside that would sustain us for a time in case of need. But let us not panic nor go to extremes. Let us be prudent in every respect. And, above all, my brothers and sisters, let us move forward with faith in the Living God and His Beloved Son." (President Gordon B. Hinckley)

My garden is nearing the end of this season. I have been saving seed for next year.

I know some have asked if they grow when you save it, and so far, for me, the seeds have grown and produced very well. So think about seed as you have that watermelon or squash.

This week I have been doing my fall clean-out. I have started in my closet, which is close to the one side of the bed. So I set stuff on there to try on or go through... I tell you this to set the stage...

Tippy Longstockings loves being able to look out the screen door at birds, rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks. With the chipmunks, she lunges at the screen. Well, she lunged and it pulled a little away from the frame. Meanwhile, I am working upstairs on the cleaning.

A chipmunk, we shall call Alvin, came in through that spot but Tippy, ever vigilant, caught it and brought it up to me. With stuff piled on the bed, I was working on folding something on the other side when Tippy jumps up and startles Missy who hissed startling Tippy who dropped Alvin on the bed, startling him and he took a running jump off the bed. That is when I saw him. Tippy Longstockings says, WHAT? I did my job the first time! It took awhile but Alvin has since been captured and let out in his outdoor home and is probably telling stories about being inside the big house. So my week has pretty much been a busy one but I push on I say.

I did manage to weave but not so much, just enough to see I had it threaded correctly.

I have also chopped the last of the tomatoes and some zucchini for the freezer for winter use.

Smarty pants me thought yay! I am making headway on the zucchini... then I went out to find three more hiding, oh dear.

This week I got my glasses in the mail. We order them through Zenni Optical for a fraction of what they would cost.

I will continue to clean and get ready for winter up here where I live though for some reason it keeps thinking it is summer with these warmer than usual temperatures. - I thought this was a nice article, we all need to be nicer to ourselves. - I love this gal and have mentioned her before. - interesting read.

Keep working on your storage. Look for sale items and watch your budget. - it is getting time to think on these things again. If we can think about it early, we can budget better.

Missy says to take time to ponder when life gets busy.

Tippy Longstockings says to tend your preps, sometimes things get away from Alvin.

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