"Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program. We could refer to all the components of personal and family preparedness, not in relation to holocaust or disaster, but in cultivating a life-style that is on a day-to-day basis its own reward." (President Spencer W. Kimball)
I want to encourage you to actively be working on your home storage and especially your basic skill building.
Are you prepared if a hard time befalls you and your family? Take a real hard look...what do you have? What do you know how to do?
The best we can do is to think ahead and plan to prepare for what your family would need.
So start with the basics and build on those.
I feel like the pandemic has shown a light on weak spots...
Some could not get bread nor could they get the supplies to make bread, but people learned things like sourdough.
So learning is right up there with supplies. Having both at hand is best when hard times arise.
https://www.livingwellspendingless.com/48-life-skills-everyone-learn/ - here are some basics
https://www.thriftyfun.com/tf/Better_Living/Frugal_Living/index.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiApL2QBhC8ARIsAGMm-KFiq3jloP8NNnBTX3R2hmwXWD_K-UrKycXVKW76AsqKEzxe8ORKILoaApsbEALw_wcB - this is wonderful for helpful ideas.
https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/ways-to-save-money-on-a-tight-budget?trk=PEsavemore2 - how to save in tight times.
https://www.rd.com/list/being-frugal/ - frugal ideas.
Having a garden will help but knowing how to use it helps as well.
https://aprettylifeinthesuburbs.com/simple-ways-to-stretch-your-meals/ - help here on stretching meals.
https://www.frugalandthriving.com.au/10-skills-for-a-frugal-life/ - more frugal/helpful ideas.
https://www.thriftyfrugalmom.com/frugal-meal-ideas/ - with food prices going up, every idea is a good one.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-27vli8h689Cr91yDqEgxdpus1tWzPTG - this lady offers a lot on sewing items.
https://www.littlehouseliving.com/how-sewing-can-save-your-budget.html - more frugal sewing.
Use frugal things like https://freecycle.org/ to get needed items or other trade-in neighborhood things.
I got some fabric from freecycle and there was some small scraps and from the scraps I made this...
I covered the button to match and crocheted the flower.
https://noodle-head.com/2017/03/canvas-pencil-pouch-tutorial.html - here is the free pattern I used.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi9ybokrfqM - this is where I got the crochet flower pattern and how to cover a button
Gus says for you all to stay safe, this is not yet over. He says it is very easy to think it is but it isn't, so be safe.
Missy says to find frugal recipes to help stretch your budget...gibbles are good.