Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday Message

"Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program. We could refer to all the components of personal and family preparedness, not in relation to holocaust or disaster, but in cultivating a life-style that is on a day-to-day basis its own reward." (President Spencer W. Kimball)

I am going to say things happen in our life all the time.

We just had a terrible thunderstorm this morning that half way through the weather radio went off saying flash flood warning, it happened so very fast.

We had water running like a waterfall in a window in the living room that drenched three big bath towels before my husband could seal it up. The window is higher than the couch to give you a sense of this window height. It was just the rain was so hard and fast. Meanwhile, the two sump pumps in the basement were being over taken. We have an alarm to alert us if water goes on the floor and it was going off. We ended up with four inches of water in the basement and had to get yet another sump pump. So it took three hours to get the water out.  

It will be a bit of work. Most of everything is up off the floor but we just got a new furnace and I had to move cases of storage so they could work on the furnace and while I set them on the wood off the floor, water was higher so I will have to unload those cases. The biggest worry was the furnace. We just had to replace the water heater but it was up on cinder blocks which was a good call there. So now we just have a wet floor. My husband took out the furnace filter, it was wet but when he took off the panel to put a fan on the inside the great news was everything inside was eight inches up, thank goodness.

This all to say we never know what is around the corner. Though we did all we could, no one wins with water. We had two sump pumps in the basement. We have a water alarm. We have things up off the floor. Sometimes no matter how prepared you are things still happen.

Though we cannot be prepared for everything, what we do prepare for helps us through things that can happen.

Weather seems more extreme so putting in preps is something to be seriously considering.

If you have a place to plant a garden, try to do that and if you can, plant things that will give you food for years to come.

How can you do this when times are hard? Plan good but very frugal meals from the grocery budget leftovers, you can do a little at a time.

While you wait for your fruit to mature, learn to make jam.

Learn how to dehydrate.

How to make fruit leather.

How to can it.

How to make fruit butter.

Learn to cook from scratch. This cookbook is great. See if you can get it interlibrary loan, it is a fantastic book. You make one mix and the whole book is recipes using that one mix.

Learn to make good biscuits for the jam you will make. Learn to make bread to spread that jam on. While you eat, you can sing the song Francis sang from a children's book we read our kids - "Jam on biscuits, jam on toast, jam is the thing I like most."

Learn to make things you need or can give as gifts.

Here in this picture I wove some dishcloths.

In this picture are dishcloths that I knit. Did you know you can crochet them too?

Gus and Missy say to be kind to everyone, share your toys, be safe, stay away from water in your basement if you don't like wet feet, and build up your storage aka gibble. Plant a garden - they will help you dig :p


  1. Love this! I agree with Gus and Missy! You are an inspiration!

  2. I am sorry that your preps couldn't prevent all the damage. It all adds up to lessons learned. You sound so prepared. Are your food stocks etc okay?
    We live in an area where heavy rains and flooding do happen. Our land is high but sometimes the roof doesn't cope.

    1. Yes they are OK I was able to move the canned goods quickly to dry boxes fortunately we only get ground water south of town it was sewer water so it was just lots of hard work.

  3. Debby in Kansas USAMay 3, 2022 at 6:12 AM

    At first I thought that your flood was the same system that gave us tornadoes, but it couldn't have been. How many inches of rain did you get? It had to have been a lot!! I'm glad your furnace is okay. The basement is a great place for all that big stuff until....water!

    Friday night we got all of a 30 second warning that a tornado was on the ground near us. Lost power running down the basement stairs. Sat in the hidey hole and listened. It was so eerily quiet, but no ear popping or freight train sound. We just waited. A couple of minutes later, we heard sirens going by several times so we knew someone got it. We finally got cell reception back and waited until a semi local friend texted us the all clear. That was scary, but we are very grateful. We had no damage, but a friend lost her farm. I'm feeling very grateful.

    I did some embroidery ànd hemmed a drape panel that was just a little too long. I love all your beautiful dish cloths!
    Take care and give those kitties a kiss!

    1. They say three and a half inches in a very short time but we got four inches of water in so the next day lots of hard work shifting those boxes to get to bottom ones to put into dry boxes and then haul off to burn pile to just turn around to have sirens go off that night so we had to go down yet again tornadoes and wind but we were OK I bet that was the one that you got too. Kitties are kissed they say thank you.

  4. Oh no! Water in the basement is such a drag. We get water in certain places in ours during heavy rains. It's a fixable problem, but so far, my husband hasn't done anything but mention that he wants to fix it (the wet towels currently in my basement are a good sign that intentions don't get the job done!). It doesn't sound like you got too much damage, so I'm glad for that!

    I darned a second sock this weekend and it turned out great! It's something I'll definitely keep doing. I had a conversation with someone online this weekend about hand sewing, so I'm going to do my best to work on learning that. Always a useful skill. :) Stay safe and dry! :)

    1. It was some heavy wet work but all was ok I will have to find time to reorganize as I was just setting it up all over but only cardboard boxes that had canned goods In got wet even the can labels did not get wet so quickly I moved them to dry boxes lots of work but a win in any event so I will take it. I just darned two socks of late we will see in upcoming blog. That is good you are doing them it isn't bad when we do it as we find them and not stack it up. It is easier to find fifteen minutes then hours. Good job!

  5. I love your cats, they are so wise. And we have several months worth of food stocked up for our furry family.

    1. Very good it does look like we need to have some stocked up too. These cats are wise crackers.

  6. Debby in Kansas USAMay 4, 2022 at 3:41 PM

    I hope all is well with you, Becky. It's unusual that you don't reply to posts!

    1. The computer stopped notifying me but Sarah has it set again. It has been a really busy time we put up gutter on north side took us very old people all day. We are getting too old for such things.

  7. Hi Becky. I hope you're recovering from the flood and have been able to salvage everything. We've had very little rain for months now so the opposite of your problem. I searched for the cookbook you showed but it's not available here in Australia. (There was a single copy online costing US$22.55 but then the shipping was US$75.00! Way too expensive for my pocket.)

    1. Can you get it interlibrary loan perhaps that is way too expensive a few yrs ago it was like a dollar used but still postage see if you can get it thru the library. We went a long while without much rain that was last year now too much I think the weather is broken.

    2. Sadly the book isn't available through any library which is why I tried online. I already have quite a few cookbooks anyway, but am always wanting to add new ones. I'll keep looking for this one. Your message is my favourite email, always eagerly anticipated, and read with pleasure. I've learned so much from you - and from Gus and Missy, of course! My cats (William and Kate - guess when I got them!) send purrs to you all.

  8. Missy & Gus always have the wisest advice. I am so sorry for your flooding. I know that must have been hard on you physically to lift all those boxes, cleanup and just everything. I am so glad it wasn't worse. It is a flooding in our area too. We had two flood warnings in a fifteen minute time frame. Expecting almost six inches of rain before the system moves out tomorrow. Luckily our home is safe, crossing fingers.
    I love all the beautiful things you make from the jam to the washcloth's. It is so inspiring.

    1. Thank you from kitties and me. You are right a lot of heavy work. We put up a gutter on north side believe me we are getting too old for that type of work but it should help we have done several things to help next time.

  9. Oh goodness! I'm so glad that the new furnace was okay, but I know that was a hard task. We don't have a basement but our land used to be farm land and was terraced to prevent erosion. Our home sits in the shallow part of a trench. Fortunately we are well off the ground.

    1. We were blessed I say and yes lots of work

  10. Why are some of the jars turned upside down in the first picture?

    1. Those jars are sealing they are just filled with jam wipe rims put lid and rings on turn upside down for five minutes then right side up surejel used to have that in their paper of instructions inside the box and that is how have done it since works every time.

  11. Your blog has helped me so much, thank you. Your continuing reminder that skills are crucial keeps me focused. Even though I don’t comment each week, I certainly am reading!


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